Barbara Pytel
Arthritis Pain in Hands Nearly Gone
Imagine being a health care practitioner and pianist and having horrible arthritis in your hands!! I’m the lead pianist in my church and suffered through the pain while rehearsing and the service. Doctors told me that it was advanced arthritis and I was placed on medication. The medication did very little but give me stomach pains and I thought I was beginning to get an ulcer. I went off the medication to protect my stomach. Low and behold, Body Code released energies in my hands and the pain is nearly gone!! Not only did I learn which hand the energies were located but also which bones including my wrists. I wish I had known about this modality 15 years ago!! Surprisingly, the arthritis still shows up on my x-rays but the pain is no longer there.
Addictions May Be Partially Inherited
I have struggled with addiction since my teenage years. First, it was tobacco. Then, I moved on to beer which led to the hard stuff. After several OWIs, I moved on to marijuana. Ironically, my father had/has the same struggles as did his father. I have been working with a Body Code practitioner and find that the “need” for a fix has greatly decreased. Some of what was released was inherited from my father and his father. In a recent conversation with my father, he mentioned that his attraction to addictive substances has also decreased because when inherited–it is released from all that inherited. I am going to continue with Body Code since it is working for me.
Able to Bend Leg
For about 10-12 years, I have been unable to bend my right leg. When I tried, it felt like there was a knife in it. After several sessions of Body Code, I am able to bend my knee at about 80%. I’m so excited!!
Anxiety Going Away
After a few sessions of Body Code, I have felt my anxieties reduce greatly. I’m so relieved since I have battled anxiety for a long time.
Anger Decreases, Focus Increases
A young 12 year old was having two rough years at school. With any small criticism, rolling of the eyes, or typical middle school behaviors were instantly greeted with anger. It not only resulted in an argument but often physical blows at school. He had several appointments with the school counselor with little to no improvement. A private agency was also contacted for counseling and this made a very small improvement. Homework was not getting done in study hall nor at home. Consequences were getting more and more severe at school and home reaching the level of suspensions. Everyone involved seemed to be at a dead end as to the cause for this behavior. The family is intact, income is not lacking, two younger siblings are very kind, etc. Military School was considered a very strong option.
Emotion Code was given a chance. Gradually, the anger decreased and homework was completed consistently. This resulted in grades improving substantially. School is about to begin again and this young man who had a peaceful summer is now quite anxious about school. More trapped emotions were released and we will all hope for greatly improved behaviors.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Remission
On Feb. 27, 2018 I shared the story of a young mother of 3 little girls was hospitalized for great weakness and losing her eyesight. She was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome with no cure. She was sent home with no solutions. As the Emotion Code was administered, her symptoms declined and totally disappeared. To this day have not returned. Trapped Emotions can cause many illnesses and they can be decreased, not with medications but with Emotion Code.
Liver Transplant Cancelled…for now
On a Feb. 2nd, 2018 I wrote a post saying that a woman was told she no longer qualified for a liver transplant after being near death not too long prior to this date. Doctors could not explain this extreme shift in her liver health. Her scores improved and she was too healthy to qualify for a transplant. As of Aug. 21, 2018, she continues to be on the passive list and not the active list. Practioner Barb continues to do energy work on her occasionally hoping to clear all of them in the future. As of this date, over 150 trapped emotions have been released from her liver. She felt healthy and strong enough to go to the state fair.
Update 11-28-18: over 180 trapped emotions have been released and this person remains off the active transplant list.
Update Dec. 2018: The final trapped emotion was released for a total of 207. She may have many more throughout her body, but the liver has no more trapped emotions.