Barbara Pytel

Happier Son

It is tough to raise a son without a dad in his life but even tougher when you don’t even know where his father is.  We honestly don’t know where he is and don’t even know if he’s alive.  My 20 year old son was having huge issues with abandonment and betrayal saying, “Who does that?  Who just disappears?”  This was followed by kicking something and slamming a door.

After several sessions of Body Code, the anger is so much better!!    Even he has noticed that he is better.  Session after session, anger and more anger was released and I thought there would be no end to it.  We are having a few more sessions done because we are enjoying a more peaceful home and don’t want it to return.

Happier Husband

The past few weeks have been really rough at our house.  When my husband got home from work, we held our breath.  He was grouchy, disrespectful, and even aggressive.  He went to his office and didn’t come out for hours.  After a session of Body Code yesterday, he came home smiling, helped in the flower garden, stayed off the computer, didn’t yell at anyone and slept well all night.  If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

Depression is Lifting

My entire life, I didn’t realize I was depressed.  I thought everyone felt like this–this was my normal and I knew nothing different.  That is until I had many miasms released with Body Code.  My first session and my first miasm was identified, I asked if this could possibly be depression.  Friends thought I was depressed.  We got a yes!  So, we asked if there were more, and got a yes.  They were all from my father and, as luck would have it, miasms are released from everyone in the family that inherited the same miasms.  So, all that inherited depression was not only released from me but also dad.  Oh, my dad’s favorite quote?  “Life is hell and then you die.”

I have gone on to have more depression released in other places like trapped emotions, nests, psychic traumas, emotional resonance, and many despair anchors.   I have been out of work for nearly a year and had no motivation to look for work.  I’m now looking into job websites and putting together a resume.  I feel like moving on with my life.

No More Painkillers

I have had two back surgeries and wish I could say they helped.  However, I was in about the same pain before surgery as after.  I started Body Code and it was a long journey but as of today, I am taking no painkillers.  I’m looking forward now to getting back in shape and taking walks.  Now that my back is better, we’re going to focus on the lungs.

Covid Fatigue Leaves

For three weeks, I’ve been battling a return of Covid symptoms.  I have had labored breathing, coughing, and tremendous fatigue.  Immediately, after the Body Code session, my breathing returned to normal and the fatigue left.  It was like a miracle.  It has been a few days now and I still have no Covid symptoms and more stamina.

Inherited Depression

Doctors have diagnosed me with clinical depression…I am constantly depressed.  I’m on several medications for this and sleep away much of my life.  After several sessions of Body Code, I realized that I have inherited depression from both parents!  I’ve had so much depression released and, to my amazement, both of my parents seem better too!!  I’ve had my meds cut in half and feel better than I have for a very long time.  My hope is to have more released.

Stamina Improving

While I’m only in my 40s, I was diagnosed with a rare disease.  My stamina has been declining for a long time along with muscle issues.  I noticed after a few Body Code sessions that my stamina to “work” has gone from about 4 hours to being able to work all day and into evening.  Another benefit is fewer muscle problems.  Do I still have the disease?  Yes, but it is much less severe.

Aches Are Decreasing

Members of our family have inherited unexplained aches and pains.  “We are just like Grandpa John, Aunt Helen or Uncle Bob.”  We live with pillows and have to stretch and move around when muscles begin to cramp up some.  Traveling requires good planning.  Imagine our surprise when we began having Body Code sessions and Miasms began showing up for release.  Three, then five, then a few more.  We released multiple “Polio” and a few “NO / ONOO,” and to our amazement, the aches were fewer and stretches were needed less frequently.  Stamina also improved adding to my productivity in a day.

What is a Miasm?  It is an inherited distortion of the energy field from a suppressed disease that occurred during an ancestor’s life.  A miasm may influence the balance of body, mind and spirit.  For example, 10 generations ago, an ancestor had a serious case of pneumonia and barely survived.  They went on to have a family and what a shock that some of the children have a sensitivity to lung issues.  They may have frequent bronchitis, asthma, or wheezing.  That miasm gets passed down to other generations.  What are other miasms?  Depression, cancer, skin conditions, heart conditions, inability to absorb nutrients in food, etc.  Unfortunately, they often do not show up on x-rays or other medical tests and fall into that category of “unknown causes.”  What if those unknown causes could be miasms and could be released?

Rash is Gone!!

I’ve had a rash for a very long time–luckily it does not show.  I have tried to treat it and it would get lighter but never really go away.  It has disappeared with Body Code.  There seemed to be many Miasms that I inherited from both sides of the family and once they were released, the rash completely went away and has stayed away.

Stiff and Painful Neck Much Better

For several years I have been unable to move my head from side to side or up and down.  The pain was too much to bear.  I’ve tried many treatments from doctors including injections into the spinal cord for the intense pain.  They didn’t seem to help; in fact, they seemed to force the pain down into my heart area.  I had to give up driving my car because I had no range of motion and couldn’t check for oncoming traffic.

After a few sessions of Body Code I began to have some limited pain-free mobility up and down.  If I forced it too much, I had pain.  After a few more sessions, I was able to somewhat move my head from left to right but not without some pain.  I am now able to move my head up and down and side to side with much less pain and I’m going to try driving my car again just locally to see if I’m able to see traffic well enough.  I have not driven a car for years!!  I’m going to continue with Body Code and see if it will improve even more.