I Was a Needy Wife

My husband is a saint for putting up with some of my behaviors.  I was unable to go to new places by myself without going into panic mode.  Going to a social event where there would be strangers would send me into a tailspin and I would make excuses why I couldn’t go.  I would often be dressed and ready to go and back out as we were going to the car.  There were a few times we would arrive at our location and I just couldn’t get out of the car.  He became an expert in giving excuses for my absence.

A family member suggested Body Code and I can not even begin to explain the difference it has made in my life.  I am not only more loving to family, but can now go to new places and meet people.  I still have some nervousness in new situations but I’m able to push through it.  I learned that age 6 was a traumatic year for me as well as 14.  We are still releasing from these ages but the difference between the old me and new me is the difference between night and day.