Tornado Anxiety Faded Away
In May of 2024, Greenfield, IA was hit by an E 4 tornado and the majority of the town was either damaged or gone. My mother’s house was gone and she is staying with us. However, my 5 year old son watched the eye of the storm pass over our house. We then went to visit the site where her house used to be. It really affected our children that would visit grandma’s house frequently.
Our 5 year old was not acting like himself at all. Wasn’t sleeping well and not his usual nice. After a session of Body Code, he was once again bailing hay in the grass and laughing. BC is an amazing tool to release traumas from children. 3 year old daughter is having nightmares so she is next.
UPDATE: The nightmares came back, likely because we had three tornadoes in one week. 5 year old had another session and now seems good. But, 3 year old sister began having nightmares and a quick session seems to have taken care of that.