Stiff and Painful Neck Much Better
For several years I have been unable to move my head from side to side or up and down. The pain was too much to bear. I’ve tried many treatments from doctors including injections into the spinal cord for the intense pain. They didn’t seem to help; in fact, they seemed to force the pain down into my heart area. I had to give up driving my car because I had no range of motion and couldn’t check for oncoming traffic.
After a few sessions of Body Code I began to have some limited pain-free mobility up and down. If I forced it too much, I had pain. After a few more sessions, I was able to somewhat move my head from left to right but not without some pain. I am now able to move my head up and down and side to side with much less pain and I’m going to try driving my car again just locally to see if I’m able to see traffic well enough. I have not driven a car for years!! I’m going to continue with Body Code and see if it will improve even more.