Anger Decreases, Focus Increases
A young 12 year old was having two rough years at school. With any small criticism, rolling of the eyes, or typical middle school behaviors were instantly greeted with anger. It not only resulted in an argument but often physical blows at school. He had several appointments with the school counselor with little to no improvement. A private agency was also contacted for counseling and this made a very small improvement. Homework was not getting done in study hall nor at home. Consequences were getting more and more severe at school and home reaching the level of suspensions. Everyone involved seemed to be at a dead end as to the cause for this behavior. The family is intact, income is not lacking, two younger siblings are very kind, etc. Military School was considered a very strong option.
Emotion Code was given a chance. Gradually, the anger decreased and homework was completed consistently. This resulted in grades improving substantially. School is about to begin again and this young man who had a peaceful summer is now quite anxious about school. More trapped emotions were released and we will all hope for greatly improved behaviors.