ADENOIDS/Tonsils: The body’s first line of defense against pathogens that enter the body via nose or mouth. Lymph nodes in the throat and behind the nose.
ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES: Homeopathy, Nature Therapy, Light Therapy, Zero Point Energy Devices, Laser Therapy, Aromatherapy, Flower Remedies, Essential Oils, Rife Therapy, Micro-Current Therapy, Color Therapy.
ADRENALS: Symptoms of Imbalance: pain in the left knee, pain in the low back, low immune function, fatigue, sensitivity to light, “joint noise,” difficulty coping with stress, brain fog. Explanation: Produce Adrenaline as well as certain other hormones, help the body to deal with stress. Muscle Connections: Calf Muscles, Sartorius Muscle, Gracilis Muscle (inner thigh).
APPENDIX: A tube located near the junction of the small and large intestine. (In the right lower quadrant of the abdomen). Stores intestinal bacteria to repopulate the gut after illness.
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: Part of the peripheral nervous system, mostly subconscious control, affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Divided into 3 parts: Parasympathetic Nervous System: The division of the autonomic nervous system that takes over during relaxation digestion, sleep, etc. Sympathetic Nervous System: The division of the autonomic nervous system that takes over during “Fight or Flight” reaction, panic, fear, high levels of activity, etc. Enteric Nervous System: A separate nervous system belonging to the digestive system, responsible for secretion and motility. It functions autonomously, but may be modified by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
BLADDER: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the low back, discomfort in the knee, ankle or foot, Nocturia (interrupted sleep due to urination), Urgency–frequent urination, bedwetting incontinence, infection, bleeding (#1 sign of bladder cancer). Explanation: A muscular, elastic organ that contains urine from the kidneys. Muscle Connections: Paraspinal muscles, Tibialis Anterior Muscles, Peroneus Longus and Brevis Muscles.
BONE MARROW: The tissues inside the bones that produces red blood cells and lymphocytes that support the immune system.
BRAIN CEREBELLUM: Associated with balance, posture, cardiac, respiratory and vasomotor centers.
BRAIN CEREBRUM: Explanation: The cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain and is associated with the higher brain functions, such as thought and action. It is divided into four sections called lobes: Frontal Lobe: (associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving). Parietal Lobe: (associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli). Temporal Lobe: (associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech). and Occipital Lobe: (associated with visual processing). Right Hemisphere: The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, temporal and spatial relationships, analyzing nonverbal information and communicating emotion. Left Hemisphere: The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, produce and understand language.
BRAIN–Thalamus Gland: Functions include relaying sensation, special sense and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep and alertness.
BRAIN STEM: 1. Medula: Associated with maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heart rate. 2. Midbrain: Associated with functions such as: vision, hearing, eye movement and body movement. 3. Pons: Associated with motor control and sensory analysis.
BROW CHAKRA: Balance of self, intuition, seeing/planning the future. AKA Third-eye chakra. Location: between the eyes. Colors: White, indigo and deep blue.
CARDIAC SPHINCTER: The sphincter at the top of the stomach that keeps food in. Imbalance tends to cause acid reflux/heartburn.
CAVITATION: An encapsulated pocket of dead bone that is infected with anaerobic bacterial organisms, producing very powerful toxins. 70-90% of all tooth extractions result in cavitations. Most dentists are vaguely aware of cavitations but only a relatively few holistic dentists make a practice of finding and removing them. Cavitations are often difficult to detect and often go undiagnosed.
CAVITY: An area of decayed tooth surface, due to bacteria.
CHEMICALS: Environmental, recreational drugs, food additives, medical.
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: This system facilitates the movement of blood and nutrients throughout the body.
COLON: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the low back, discomfort in the hips, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, change in the bowel habits or frequency, change in stool quality or consistency, feeling of incomplete defecation, bloody stools or rectal bleeding, stools with mucous or tarry stools. Explanation: Absorbs water and salt from fecal material, eliminates fecal material, also known as the large intestine. Muscle Connections: Tensor Fascia Lata Muscle and the Hamstring muscles (rear of thigh).
CROWN CHAKRA: Pure consciousness, inner wisdom, connection to universal intelligence. Location: Crown of Head. Color: Violet.
DERMIS: The middle layer of the skin. Contains connective tissue and blood vessels. The sweat glands and hair follicles originate in the dermis.
DISKS: Explanation: Disks act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of the spine. They may become misaligned or imbalanced like any other tissue.
ENERGY TECHNIQUES/WORK: Other than Emotion Code and Body Code, there are other energy techniques: Thought Field Therapy, PSYCH-K, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Barbara Brennan Healing, Bioenergetics, Body Talk, Emotional Freedom Technique, Zero Point Energy, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Crystal/Gem Therapy.
ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS: Pesticides, GMO foods, herbicides, conmetics, cleaning supplies, building materials, carpet & furnishings.
EPIDERMIS: The outer most part of skin that forms a protection against the external environment. Consists of many layers of epithelial cells that replace themselves about every two or two and a half months.
FASCIA: Symptoms of Fascial Distortion: Pain, tension, joint problems, improper posture, general malfunction. Explanation: Connective tissue that surrounds and protects all the other tissues of the body, different names depending on the tissue or organ it is covering, can become distorted due to emotional or physical stress or trauma. When imbalanced, it is called a “fascial distortion.”
FLUORIDE: A toxic by-product / industrial waste produced by the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. Used by the dental industry but has never been proven to prevent cavities.
FOOD ADDITIVES: Sugar, preservatives, MSG, humectants, aspartame, food colorings.
GALLBLADDER: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the right knee, discomfort in the right shoulder, discomfort under the right rib cage, pain in right side of chest, nausea, vomiting, gas bloating. Explanation: Secretes bile, which helps us to digest and absorb fat. Muscle Connections: Anterior Deltoid Muscle, Popliteus Muscle (back of knee).
HEART: Symptoms of Imbalance: low energy, skipped beats (palpitations), discomfort in the chest and shoulders, trouble giving and receiving love (Heart-Wall). Explanation: A muscle that pumps blood, second brain, seat of subconscious, source of creativity, source of love. Muscle Connections: Subscapularis (underside of shoulder blade).
HEART CHAKRA: Unconditional love, compassion and well-being. Linked to the thymus gland. Location: Center of sternum. Colors: green and pink.
HEAVY METALS: Heavy metals result from contaminated food, vaccines, polluted air and water, cosmetics, etc. They may consist of mercury, lead, cadmium or aluminum.
HYPODERMIS: The deepest layer of skin. Attaches to bone or muscles and houses fat deposits (adipose tissue).
HYPOTHALAMUS GLAND: Symptoms of Imbalance: Insomnia, chilling, disruption of thirst mechanism (never feeling thirsty). Explanation: Secretes hormones, controls body temperature, controls hunger and thirst mechanisms, controls circadian rhythm. Muscle Connections: Muscles of the Pharynx.
ILEOCECAL VALVE: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the appendix area (lower right abdomen), discomfort in the low back or right hip, sinus drainage or problems (due to toxins), bloating and gas, diarrhea. Explanation: Controls and regulates flow of fecal material from the small intestine into the colon. Muscle Connections: Right Iliacus Muscle.
KIDNEYS: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the lower back, discomfort in the mid back, discomfort in the lower rib areas, discomfort in the lower neck, TMJ pain, fatigue, leg pain, swelling in ankles or face, foul or metallic taste. Explanation: Cleanse and filter the blood, regulate blood pressure, create urine, energy reservoirs. Muscle Connections: Upper Trapezius, Psoas Muscles.
LIGAMENTS: Ligaments connect bone to bone, and are found throughout the body.
LIVER: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort between the shoulder blades, discomfort in the right shoulder, headaches, yellowish skin and eyes, loss of appetite leading to weight loss, swelling under the right lower ribs. Explanation: Supports the immune system, cleans the blood, detoxifying foreign substances and chemicals. Muscle Connections: Pectoralis major muscle, right rhomboid muscle.
LUNGS: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in between the shoulders, discomfort in the ribs or the upper back, asthma, shortness of breath, decreased ability to exercise, a cough that won’t go away, coughing up blood or mucus, pain or discomfort when breathing. Explanation: Oxygenate the blood and eliminate CO2. Muscle Connections: Deltoid Muscles (outer shoulders), Coracobrachialis, Serratus Anterior (sides of chest).
LYMPH NODES: Small organs located throughout the body which are full of white blood cells. Filter pathogens and foreign materials from lymph. Become swollen during times of infection.
MEDICATIONS: Nearly all medications are toxic, particularly to the liver and kidneys. The breakdown products of medications may stay in the body for life unless discovered and released. Like all toxins, these will tend to be found in the liver or kidneys or the fat layers.
MERCURY AMALGAM: Dental filling material that typically contains 50% mercury, the 2nd most toxic material on the planet. Amalgum fillings have been widely used as a major dental restorative material since the 1800s. Many countries have now banned the use of amalgam fillings. May cause chronic mercury poisoning, resulting in all kinds of physical problems.
OVARIES: Symptoms of Imbalance: Irregular menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen (between belly button and hip on either side), ovarian cysts, infertility, ectopic pregnancy. Explanation: Part of the female reproductive system, produce ova or eggs, secrete estrogen and progesterone, female hormones.
PANCREAS: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in the mid back, discomfort in the left shoulder, discomfort in the low back, discomfort in the wrist or thumb, indigestion, bloating, discomfort, gas, ulcers, diabetes (major malfunction). Explanation: Secretes insulin and other digestive hormones. Muscle Connections: Triceps Muscles (back of arms), Latissimuys Muscles (back), Levator Scapula Muscles.
PARATHYROID GLANDS: Symptoms of Hyperparathyroidism (High Function): kidney stones, gall stones, fatigue, nausea, bone pain, osteoporosis, elevated blood calcium levels. Symptoms of Hypoparathyroidism (Low Function): Low blood calcium levels, Muscle spasms–especially in hands and feet, tetany, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, tingling around mouth or extremities. Explanation: Four small glands situated at the back of the thyroid, secrete parathyroid hormone, controls the amount of calcium in blood and bones. Muscle Connection: Levator Scapulae.
PEYERS PATCHES: Lymph nodes that appear randomly in the lower small intestine.
pH Imbalance: Measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body. A pH of 7.3 to 7.5 is healthy for the human body. A pH lower than 7.1 is too acidic and most people fall into this acidic range. Causes of acidic pH is too much meat, sugar, stress, and acid foods. To rapidly alkalinize: Mix a teaspoon of Baking Soda (Bob’s doesn’t contain aluminum) into a glass of water and drink 3 times a day for 2 days. To gradually alkalinize: Mix the juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon into pure water and drink daily. The diet may need to be altered to include more alkaline forming foods and eliminate acid-forming foods.
PINEAL GLAND: Symptoms of Imbalance: Insomnia, difficulty planning ahead, eye pain, vision problems. Explanation: Produces melatonin (sleep aid). Muscle Connection: Muscles of the eyes.
PITUITARY GLAND: Symptoms of Imbalance: Hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, dehydration, fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain. Explanation: Secretes hormones that regulate body balance or homeostasis and influence other glands, growth, blood pressure, thyroid gland function, metabolism, water and hydrations regulation water absorption by kidneys, temperature regulation, sex organ function in both sexes, aspects of childbirth and pregnancy, production of breast milk. No muscle connections.
PRIONS: Deformed or mutated protein molecules that wreak havoc in the tissues of the body. These may be derived from normal proteins in the body that are then damaged by toxins, particularly by heavy metals. Can be ingested by consuming tainted meat products and byproducts.
PYLORIC SPHINCTER: The sphincter at the bottom of the stomach that allows food to pass into the small intestine. Imbalance tends to cause indigestion.
ROOT CANAL: A dead tooth inhabited by toxic anaerobic bacteria. May cause heart and circulatory diseases, arthritis and rheumatism, diseases of the brain and nervous system, and even cancer.
ROOT CHAKRA: Instinct, survival and potentiality. Linked to prostate or uterus. Location: Perineum. Color: Red.
SACRAL CHAKRA: Relationships, emotional needs, pleasure. Linked to the testes or ovaries. Location: Between umbilicus and pubic bone. Color: Orange.
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Personal power, introversion, and growth of self. Linked to the pancreas. Location: Solar Plexus (below heart). Color: Yellow.
SMALL INTESTINE: Symptoms of Imbalance: pain in the low back, pain in the knees, bloating and gas, diarrhea, nausea, skin problems due to lack of nutrients. Explanation: Absorbs nutrients from food. Muscle Connections: Abdominal Muscles, Quadriceps Femoris Muscles.
SOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: Responsible for carrying information from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body and vice versa–2 way communication.
SPLEEN: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in the mid back, discomfort in the left shoulder, lowered immunity, pain in the upper left abdomen, repeated bouts of infection, excessive bleeding, anemia, dizziness, fatigue, headaches. Explanation: Disposes of old red blood cells, controls important immune functions, reservoir of blood. Muscle Connections: Lower Trapezius Muscle.
STOMACH: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in the neck, discomfort in the should area, discomfort in the elbow or wrist, hiatal hernia, acid reflux, stomach pain, ulcers, bloating and gas, diarrhea or constipation. Explanation: Secretes protein-digesting enzymes, hydrchloric acid and mucous. Churns swallowed food to begin the digestion process. Muscle Connection: Neck Flexor Muscles, Pectoralis Major Clavicular Muscles, Brachioradialis Muscles.
TENDONS: Tendons connect muscle to bone, and are found on both ends of every muscle in the body.
TESTICLES: Symptoms of Imbalance: Sterility, lowered sex drive, lowered initiative. Explanation: Part of the male reproductive system, produce sperm, produce male hormones, especially testosterone.
THROAT CHAKRA: Communication and speaking your truth. Linked to the thyroid gland. Location: Throat. Color: light or pale blue or turquoise.
THYMUS GLAND: Symptoms of Imbalance: discomfort in the shoulder, lowered immunity, autoimmune problems. Explanation: A gland that sits on top of the heart, helps T-cells to mature, helps protect against autoimmune disease. Muscle Connection: Teres Major Muscles.
THYROID: Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (High Function): overproduction of thyroid hormone, nervousness, hair loss, rapid heart rate, Grave’s disease. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (Low Function): underproduction of Thyroid hormone, weight gain, fatigue, thin and brittle nails, cold intolerance. Explanation: secretes hormones, controls metabolism and blood calcium. Muscle Connection: Teres Minor.
UTERUS: Symptoms of Imbalance: Discomfort in the low back, discomfort in the lower abdomen, discomfort during or after intercourse, discomfort in the left hip, infertility. Explanation: Part of the female reproductive system, provides growth environment for fetus. Muscle Connections: Gluteal Muscles (buttocks), Adductor Muscles (inner thigh).
VACCINATION: Vaccines contain very toxic components, such as aluminum, formaldehyde and mercury, which are added a ‘adjuvants’ that weaken the organism or preserve the vaccine.