WELCOME TO OUR DEFINITIONS PAGE! This is a courtesy page to help us understand what certain energies mean that may come up in an Emotion Code or Body Code Session.
ADDICTIVE HEART ENERGY: An energy created out of the heart’s desperation to feel love, joy, etc. A profound attractor field and a driving force behind addictions of all kinds. Approximately 42% of people have this.
BROADCAST MESSAGE (Negative): An energy that is continually sent out from the body to other people, who receive it subconsciously. It can influence your ability to form and keep relationships, can attract negativity, and the wrong people. It is often replaced with a positive message. For example, the message of “I can’t take it” may be replaced with “I am strong.” Common messages are: I am weak, get away, hate me, reject me, I am stupid, I am not okay, I am a victim, I am bad, I am a loser, rescue me, treat me like a child, take away my power.
CORDING: An energetic connection or “cord” between 2 people. Often an unhealthy connection that needs to be severed. May occur when one person is not willing to let go of another when a relationship is ended. Either party may create the cord. A cord may cause fatigue as energy may be drained through the cord.
CURSE: A very negative energy that has been deliberately placed into a person’s energy field by another person or entity, with a more nefarious purpose than merely causing physical pain. It may show up as an ache or pain of unknown origin. A curse may be located in a weak area, random area or a specific targeted area.
DESPAIR ANCHOR: A negative statement that is ‘perceived’ as a truth by the subconscious mind, which will seek to verify or fulfill that “truth.” Usually created from severe or repetitive negative thinking. Common Despair Anchors are: everyone hates me, everything is ruined, I’ll never be accepted, I’ll never be forgiven, I’m ugly, I’m powerless. These statements weigh us down like an anchor and that anchor can be released permanently.
DIMENSIONAL ANCHOR: Energies coming from parallel timelines that can negatively influence a person’s life path and healing.
DISEMBODIED SPIRITS Were once mortal human beings but are now “ghosts.” They will do anything to experience, even if only temporarily, and even in a muffled way, the pleasures of the flesh, and will enter a human body to do so. They may appear as a dark shadow between 1-3 a.m.
EMOTIONAL RESONANCE: An energetic “ringing” in the body that occurs after an emotional event. It may last several years and even forever unless released.
EMOTIONS: Our emotions don’t come out of nowhere–they are generated by our bodies based on two criteria; what we are experiencing in the moment, and information stored in our bodies and minds from past experiences.
ENTITIES OR EVIL SPIRITS: These spirits have never had a human body. Their main desire is to exert control over a person, to addict them to anything they can, to get them to do things that distance them from the Creator. They often work through gambling, drug addictions, pornography, alcoholism, and other addictive behaviors. They are especially attracted by low vibrations like shame and depression. It is a good practice to stay away from casinos, strip clubs, bars, and other places with low vibrations because this is where “entities” lurk and may connect with you. The vulnerable are more likely to attract them.
FASCIA: This is a connective tissue that surrounds and protects all the other tissues of the body. Think of Saran Wrap covering you. It can cover muscles, organs, and bones. When imbalanced, it is called a “fascial distortion” and can cause pain, tension, joint problems, improper posture. When trapped energies are released, this then releases the fascial distortion.
HEART WALL: This is made of emotions trapped in and around the heart to create a “Wall.” Each emotion must be eliminated one at a time. There can also be a hidden heart wall used as a back up system. A heart wall can create communication distortions so that people don’t hear what we really mean and we don’t hear what they really mean. By the time our words travel through our heart wall, they may be heard as something totally different from what we thought we said.
IDEA ALLERGY: This is an energy that results from negativity surrounding a certain idea. A person may be allergic to many things after a traumatic event: making positive changes, being healthy, being creative, having joy, having a support system. We may need to release 1-10+ trapped energies (underlying causes) to release this allergy.
IMAGES: This is a trapped energy that is a “picture in the mind” of self. The subconscious will attempt to fulfill this image, and will direct or misdirect our behavior to make sure this image comes true. These images often interfere with goals and relationships, depending on what the image is. Images are usually attached to a particular emotion like shame, betrayal, humiliation, unworthy, unsupported, low self-esteem.
INFLAMMATION: An energy that develops when there is inflammation in the tissues and is often the result of an injury which causes the inflammation to persist longer than it should. We first release the energies that are causing the inflammation and then the inflammation energy.
INHERITED TRAPPED EMOTIONS: These are received at the moment of conception from mother or father. May go back several generations.
INTOLERANCE: An energy that causes the body to have a negative reaction to a food or other element. Most often refers to food intolerances which cause digestive problems and energy loss when that food is eaten. The body can develop an intolerance for anything.
MEMORY FIELD: This is an energy of memories stored in the energy field–often in front of a person. This appears when memories are traumatic or often recalled. It makes it very difficult to move ahead in life. They may be all memories in general, about a specific event in life, or from similar events throughout life. When these fields are released, the person has more freedom to move on with life.
MERIDIANS: Meridians are rivers of energy that run throughout our body. If there is a blockage, the meridians are imbalanced. By releasing 1-2 trapped emotions, they can easily come back into balance.
MIASM: Discovered by Hahnemann (homeopathy founder). It is an inherited distortion of the energy field from a suppressed disease that occurred during an ancestor’s life. When a miasm is released, it is not only permanently released from the client but all generations throughout time that inherited the same miasm. The deceased appreciate having a miasm released.
MISALIGNMENTS: Our bodies want balance. When we are out of balance, we have a misalignment. Releasing trapped energies bring our bodies back into balance.
MUSCLE TESTING: This is kinesiology and nothing new. First developed by Dr. George Goodheart in the 1960s as a way to correct structural imbalances in the skeleton. While many physicians worldwide use muscle testing procedures to correct spinal misalignments and other imbalances (because your subconscious does not lie), the fact that muscle testing can be used to get information directly from the subconscious mind is less recognized. Emotion Code and Body Code use muscle testing to discover what the body needs released to be more balanced.
NEST: A nest is when several identical emotions form a cluster–a nest. We may find 2-12 depressions, anxieties, shames, angers in a nest.
NO WILL TO…: This is an energy that becomes trapped when we become overwhelmed with an event. Common examples are: No Will to Live, love self, grow up, forgive self, forgive others.
PHYSICAL ALLERGY: An energy that develops from changes in the way the energy field reacts to the energy of something (i.e. a particular food, cat hair, dust, chemicals)
PHYSICAL TRAUMA: This is an energy that occurs when the body is under extreme or sudden physical stress. Usually releases from the body are automatic but may become trapped. These usually occur from an auto accident, fall, being punched, etc. A physical trauma may also be from emotional trauma or event, or extreme and prolonged stress such as a serious or critical illness.
POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION: The energy of a negative statement in the subconscious mine. Repetitive music and video games desynchronize the cerebral hemispheres and open the deep subconscious mind to “suggestion,” similar to being hypnotized. A post-hypnotic suggestion can come directly through negatively charged entertainment or can be placed into the mind by dark entities when the mind is open and vulnerable. Can result in depression, suicidal tendencies and “inversion” where a person will test positive for negative things and negative for positive things. Releasing all post-hypnotic suggestions will correct inversion.
PRE-NATAL TRAPPED EMOTION: We may absorb an emotion from our mother in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. For example, if she is anxious during pregnancy, we may be born with anxiety.
PRESENTING PROBLEM: This is the focus of the session. It may often be the choice of the subconscious. For other sessions it may be depression, anxiety, pains in specific locations, or many other topics.
PSYCHIC TRAUMA: When two or more emotions are felt simultaneously, they can become trapped into one sphere of energy and must be released simultaneously.
SABOTEUR: Usually pain or irritation of tissues placed upon a person by another person as a manifestation of ill feelings toward another.
SPIRIT TO SPIRIT DISCONNECTION: A break or tear in the spirit or energy body. Usually affects the heart. Can affect other body parts of the whole spiritual body. A spirit / spirit disconnection of the heart would be considered a “broken heart.” There may be several underlying causes.
SPIRIT/PHYSICAL DISCONNECTION: When the spiritual body and the physical body are not fully connected in some area. Often results in: misalignment, lowered immunity, organ/gland malfunction, disease.
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND: Our silent and unconscious intelligence within us that is constantly busy storing information and keeping our body’s systems running efficiently. The subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over the things we do, and over how we behave and feel. Like a computer, your subconscious mind is capable of storing vast amounts of information. Our subconscious mind knows everything about us and what we need.
TRANSGRESSIVE ENERGY: This energy frequently enters us during traumatic events and makes us more resistant to treatment and receiving the benefits of positive energy.
TRAPPED EMOTIONS: As we experience an emotion, it goes through three stages. 1) emotional vibration 2) feel the emotion 3) processing. If something is interrupted in stage 2 or 3, the emotion(s) may become trapped. If two or more are trapped simultaneously, they create a psychic trauma. Trapped emotions are truly epidemic, and they are the insidious, invisible cause of much suffering and illness, both physical and emotional in nature.
WILL TO…: This is an energy that develops when we wish for something that is not healthy after an emotional experience. Examples are: Will to die, give up, control, cheat, be alone, suffer, be sick, be right.
Other energies may show up during a session but these are the most common ones. Please contact your practitioner for clarification if not listed here.