Stronger Voice after Body Code Session

“My daughter has had several Body Code sessions because of her multiple sclerosis. I visit her often at the nursing home but with the Corona virus, I stood outside her room and we spoke on our cell phones. It was a nice day and because she gets too tired to speak more than 10 minutes, I didn’t wear a coat. Oh, my goodness!! We talked for over 30 minutes! Her voice didn’t fade away, as usual. I was sooo cold standing there without a coat! She was also surprised she could talk this long! We are happy to make baby steps with Body Code.”

Fibromyalgia Faded Away

“For over a year, I have had Body Code work. I had a wound that wouldn’t heal and was healed. Then, we worked on my lungs and the asthma seemed to fade away. Nausea from my infusions also got better. Then, the focus was sciatica and that is gone. Today, I realized that my fibromyalgia was also gone! I have not felt this good in 5 years!”

Neck Is So Much Better!

Arthritis was setting in to someone in her 60s–specifically the neck. It was likely from frequent blunt force traumas in the past. Pain killers didn’t help. In fact, epidurals didn’t help, either. C-4 and C-3 had over 30 trapped emotions released and it has made a world of difference!! The neck feels fabulous. Can arthritis be painful? Absolutely, but in this case the trapped emotions were causing the pain and Body Code released them.

Our Subconscious Knows Everything

D. is in her mid-40s and asked for a Body Code session because she was curious. Her aunts had successful sessions and she wanted to see what showed up for her. D. said nothing but asked to see what the subconscious would find.

The first thing to show up was age 16 with lots of heartache, grief, depression, panic, and crying. After about 15 min. of work, D. said, “Oh, my gosh! That is when my brother committed suicide.” The path then went to the pelvis, precisely the Ischium bone, the bone we sit on. Age 14 had a long list of trapped emotions that were released. D. stated, “This is when I was thrown off a horse and fell on my behind. My back has bothered me since that time! That was over 25 years ago!”

D. was stunned that Body Code was so specific and accurate. Our subconscious knows everything and Body Code is the conduit that heals the past.

Gallbladder Improves Greatly!

P. has a family history of gallbladder issues but very few family members actually have surgery and she has personally never had a problem. However, after her critical illness four years ago with a close brush with death, her gallbladder has been bothering her a bit. Once every 2-3 months, she has that “pain” on her right. Since it goes away, she ignores it…until today. Today, it felt like it could be a more serious problem causing her to go to a clinic and being more than likely exposed to Corona virus. So, she muscle tested and asked if it was her stomach…no. Is it her liver?…no. Is it her gallbladder?…yes.

P. asked for a Body Code session and, yes, it was her gallbladder that was the focus. She called when the pain did not allow her to bend over or twist. Even sitting she was now in pain and it felt like someone was squeezing her gallbladder to inflict pain. Even if she didn’t move, it seemed to be agitated and pulsing. Practitioner asked if there were trapped emotions that needed to be released from the gallbladder…yes! In fact, there were 15.

The first thing to show up was Will to Die, age 65. That is exactly when she was in intensive care with a very small chance of survival. In fact, her medical records include “patient not likely to survive.” The next issue to show up was inflammation of the gallbladder. However, they were all ages 65 and 66, her hospitalization and recovery. Depression, frustration and crying were the predominant emotions. After 15 emotions were released, she noticed that her gallbladder was not nearly as painful. What showed up next was shocking: 6 Will to Die and 4 No Will to Live. She said this makes total sense, “While sedated, the doctor asked me if I wanted to be brought back and I said, “no.” Suddenly, all pain was gone from the gallbladder. 8 hours later the pain is still completely gone. Body Code does truly heal the past.

“I Didn’t Have Carpal Tunnel!”

R. is a middle aged woman who works on a computer all day for a large banking corporation. Actually, she said nothing before the work began–just wanted a session. As we began working, the subconscious went to the wrist and the 8 small bones. When the pain was decreasing, she mentioned that her wrist was killing her. She was sure she would need carpal tunnel surgery from repetitive motions on the computer. Several trapped emotions were released from each small bone–one of them had 18 trapped emotions released. By the end of the session, the pain was 80% gone. “I didn’t have carpal tunnel, I had trapped emotions!” What was even more interesting was that the trapped emotions released went back to ages 11-16. None were from her current timeline or her present work on the computer. Body Code is truly all about healing the past.

Neck is Much More Flexible!

W. has suffered with back problems to the point that she had a fusion of the C-4, C-5, C-6, and C-7. She thought the pain would be gone after the surgery. However, the C-1, C-2 and C-3 now have a painful tightness and she has very little range of motion. She has also noticed that thoracic vertebrae below the fusion are also beginning to feel the same way. During the session, a large number of trapped emotions were released from C-1, C-2, C-3 along with other trapped energies. The next day she had significantly improved range of motion and said the entire area seemed much more relaxed and the tightness is nearly gone. Prior to the session, this practitioner did not know of the fusion surgery or which vertebrae were causing problems. But, the subconscious knows everything and quickly targeted this area for relief. Emotion Code and Body Code release negative energies.

Shoulder Pain is Gone

C. is an electrician and must get into attics and crawl spaces as part of his work. He’s been having many aches and pains in all of his joints in the past few years which make his job more difficult. After the first two sessions of Body Code, his hips and elbows stopped hurting. After three sessions, his shoulders no longer hurt. He is especially happy about this because he greatly enjoys lifting weights after work. He is now back to lifting weights. However, his lower back still bothers him so we worked on that tonight. What he finds interesting is that he is in his 40s and all the trapped emotions released have been from age 12-26. He mentioned that these years were very, very tough. What we go through at a younger age does affect us in the future. It was time to take out the garbage.

Knee Pain Gone

W. is in her mid-50s and has been experiencing crunching noise in her knee and substantial pain. She bought a cane for support hoping to reduce the pain. After a long period of time of this not going away, she went to her doctor who referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon stated that he would like her to wait longer before having a knee replacement due to her “young” age.

After three sessions of Body Code, the crunching is still there to a degree but the pain is totally gone. She thinks she can tolerate the crunching if the pain is gone. The interesting thing is that none of the energy work involved her adult years. Childhood years as early as ages 3-8 were the predominant ages at which trapped emotions were released. Everything we experience in life is collected by our subconscious and trapped emotions do us no favors.

On Top of the World!

S. is a widow of over 10 years and has been on medication for depression during that time. Even on the medication, she didn’t feel much better. In fact, she could sleep 18 hours a day and had little ambition to do much when she was awake. She’s moved several times trying to find the right spot for herself. There doesn’t seem to be one.

S. began Emotion and Body Code sessions several months ago. After the first session, things seemed the same. But, after the 3rd and 4th sessions, she began noticing that she needed much less sleep. After the 5th session, she no longer took naps. And, she went to her doctor stating she felt so much better and she was placed on half the dosage. Her massage therapist has noticed that her muscles seem “younger” and easier to manipulate.

She has now begun to have a social life, sits at home less, lost some weight, began Zumba and loves it, sleeps less, and has a positive outlook on life. She’s looking forward to the future and says, “I’m on top of the world!”