Migraine Faded Away

“I’ve experienced migraines most of my life. I don’t get them often but they always begin with an “aura.” This aura is a warning that it is coming. In the past, an aura has always produced a migraine…always! Today, it did not. At the exact time I was having a Body Code session, the aura came but the migraine never materialized. I am convinced that the Body Code releases were responsible for this healing.” Male, 61.

Neck Pain from Whiplash Nearly Gone

A retired nurse has had a lifetime of neck pain after suffering from “10” car accidents. The impacts were all from the rear when she was at a stop light. This, of course, had a huge impact on her C-1 Atlas and C-2 Axis as she was thrown forward and then back–whiplash. She has suffered with headaches so severe that she actually prayed to die. Doctors and chiropractors couldn’t seem to have an impact on these neck injuries. Chiropractic gave her the best relief but it was for short periods of time.

During one of our sessions the C-1 showed as needing trapped emotions released and we did. This helped relieve about 20-30% of the pain. The next session showed the C-2 needing trapped emotions released and the entire session was spent on the C-2. For the first time in over 20 years, the pain was nearly gone. There is still a bit of discomfort but nothing like it had been for a large portion of her life. She is absolutely thrilled!!

Acid-Reflux Disappears

A retired nurse has battled acid-reflux most of her life. She tried over the counter remedies, natural remedies and prescription drugs. Nothing seemed to work well. Every day it was a matter of how much the problem was reduced but never went away completely. This issue was addressed during a Body Code session. What surfaced in the session was her stomach sphincters. These are muscles at the top and bottom of the stomach to prevent back ups. Her Cardiac Sphincter at the top of the stomach seemed to be out of alignment. When this occurs, food can “back up” with stomach acids and cause heartburn. Five psychic traumas were released going back to ages 14 and 15 and we moved on to other issues.

At our session the following week, she stated, “I’ve had NO acid-reflux all week and have taken nothing for it! Even when I lie down to sleep, nothing is there! I think it is gone!” Trapped Emotions may cause many irritations, aches and pains. Body Code releases them.

Shoulder Blade Pain is Gone

L. is in her 40s and recently learned she was going to be divorced. Within a month, her former shoulder blade pain returned with a vengeance and worse than it had ever been. The pain was on the right side and actually woke her up when she slept. It was affecting her ability to work during the day.

Body Code showed that she had trapped emotions in her right clavicle bone, shoulder blade and humerus bone. Within an hour, the pain was gone and remains gone. She thinks the stress of her new situation stirred up an old injury but the pain is now gone.

No More Knee Pain

C. is in her early 60s and her left knee was bothering her. The pain has gradually increased over the past 6 months. It got to the point she considered getting a cane. The pain was so great that she couldn’t sleep well. We released many psychic traumas, most were from age 44. Within minutes the pain disappeared completely. C. has no idea what happened to her at age 44!

But, in order to get a trapped emotion, it doesn’t always have to be something that happened to you. You could see something happen to someone else. For example, the car in front of you gets t-boned. You may suffer a trapped emotion from seeing that event. Your neighbor is hitting his dog, someone at school is being bullied and you are a bystander. It could even be a horrific scene in a movie or something graphic on the news. The good news is that C.’s knee is now pain free and these trapped emotions are permanently gone.

Soy Allergy Greatly Decreases!

Imagine being a farmer on a windy day emptying grain bins of soybeans into a truck when you have an allergy to soy–dusty soy. Then, when the truck is filled, you take it to the elevator and empty the load–more soy dust. You do this all day. Wearing a mask didn’t seem to help very much. You are miserable with itching eyes, sneezing, and stressed lungs. You have soy dust down your shirt, in your hair (probably in your eyes, ears and nose) and need a shower immediately when home. Clothes go directly into the washer. Imagine doing this for 3 or 4 days in a row. After a session of Body Code, the allergic reaction is greatly diminished. Life has definitely improved!

An allergy is when your body reacts to the “energy” of the food, fragrance, pet, grass, etc. So, the allergy isn’t to the food but the energy of the food. “Allergies are generally created when the subconscious mind makes a faulty connection with a particular substance during either prolonged or sudden emotional and/or physical stress. This substance then is considered to be an allergen by the subconscious and the body, and a negative response or reaction will occur when this allergen is encountered in the future.” Dr. Bradley Nelson

Vertigo Faded Away

N. is a newly retired teacher that has spent most of her career standing on concrete floors covered slightly by a layer of tile or thin carpet. So, she was not surprised when her knees began to bother her in her mid 50s. But, what was of greater concern in retirement was her vertigo which was a new symptom. She found herself getting up out of a chair slowly to keep herself from falling. She was successful most of the time. Falling now became a new fear with knees being weak and the unsteadiness caused by the vertigo. After several sessions of Body Code she called to say that the vertigo seems to be gone and her knees no longer seem to be hurting. Initially, she thought a day or two without vertigo and knee pain was just a coincidence. But now, after several weeks, she thinks this could be permanent!

Eye Ulcer Has Disappeared

W. has had an eye ulcer on her left eye for approximately 4 years. This ulcer made it painful to blink in one eye. It felt like there was something in her eye that needed to be removed. The medication she was given seemed to irritate her eye more than the ulcer itself. A second medication was tried and it made the whites of her eye flaming red. She had also developed a cornea problem which limited her vision at a close range. Her eye doctor said this was unrelated to the ulcer. Because of these eye issues, she had to stop working and retire before she was financially solid. She had a session of Body Code a week ago. A few days later, she went to her eye doctor who said, “Your ulcer is gone. Your eye looks perfectly normal. There isn’t even a bit of scarring.” At that point she realized that she had not felt that irritation for several days. She was totally amazed.

Update on June 22, 2020.  W’s ulcer returned with an eye infection and very serious redness.  Her doctor recommended surgery for the ulcer stating the scar tissue would impede vision in the future.  After two sessions of Body Code, the redness is greatly reduced and the ulcer is gone.

Sharp Shoulder Blade Pain Disappears

B. is a client with several health issues. She finds relief with Body Code and meditation. She was quietly meditating when this sharp pain suddenly manifested in her left shoulder blade. She rated it at a 9+ and called for relief. By releasing a few trapped emotions and a psychic trauma from her scapula and shoulder blade, the pain quickly went to a 2. Actually, the scapula had the majority of the energy released. By the end of our conversation it was totally gone.

Esophagus Was Cleared with Body Code

An 18 year old began having trouble with swallowing. Eventually, it led to painful swallowing and becoming a concern. It didn’t seem to matter what the food was, there was difficulty swallowing and it was painful. Body Code indicated there was an issue with the esophagus. After one session with Body Code and releasing trapped emotions, the swallowing has returned to being painless. The subconscious knew what the problem was and released it.