Never Cried—Until Emotion Code

A hard-working 52 year old man stated he never cries. He can’t remember the last time he cried. He has had hundreds of trapped emotions released for other reasons and his Heart Wall is down. He recently went to the movie, Breakthrough. He not only cried while attending the movie, but cried off and on for two hours after the movie was over. “I’ve had my own personal breakthrough!”

72 Year Old Greatly Improves!

A 72 year old man was placed in a nursing home for 3 months for observation. He was becoming very physically weak, expressed no joy, and struggled walking with a walker. His nephew was called to come and get him because he could not go home and needed a place to live with supervision. He had not improved in the nursing home.

The nephew asked me to release trapped emotions with client’s permission. They also got a second opinion from a different doctor reducing some of his medications. Two months and 107 released trapped emotions later, he no longer uses the walker, gets in and out of a Suburban with ease, is driving again, rides a bike, has color in his cheeks and has begun singing beautifully in church. No one had ever heard him sing before.

Liver Transplant? — NO, Damaged Lungs Disqualify Surgery–But!

You are in your mid-30s and go to a regional hospital and they send you to the Mayo Clinic. After testing for several days, they say that because of all the drinking in your younger years, your liver is badly injured. You need a liver transplant. However, your lungs are also in serious condition because the liver is not producing the enzymes your lungs need. “So, we are sorry to say, you don’t get the liver transplant.”

To qualify for a liver transplant, the score should be at 12.5-13. You are there. Normal for lungs is 95. Because your lungs are far below 95, you don’t qualify for a liver transplant. This seems like a death sentence.

After multiple sessions (7-9) with Emotion Code, your lungs improve! You have gone to a 103! So now you qualify for a liver transplant, but wait, your liver has improved with Emotion Code also! You are now down to 9 from 12.5. You may not qualify for a transplant! Releasing trapped emotions has possibly increased your life span?

3-29-19 A team of doctors have determined that both your lungs and liver are now too healthy for a transplant. You are sent home. No surgery for you. Thank you Dr. Bradley Nelson for Emotion Code!

Widower is Happier Now

After losing his wife to cancer a year ago, an older gentleman jumped right into a new relationship. In spite of the family expressing great concern with this lady of questionable background, he was bound and determined to marry her—-now.

After the release of many trapped emotions, marriage is no longer being discussed. She attempted to move in instead. After the Heart Wall was taken down at 60-70%, the “moving in” day has been delayed. Perhaps, he is seeing things more clearly while the Heart Wall is coming down. Family is hoping so. And, the older gentleman is calmer and more content.

Better Communication and Emotional IQ

If you are wondering why your relationships have been strained, perhaps it is your Heart Wall. A gentleman has had over 300 trapped emotions released and nearly all of his Heart Wall. Instead of getting married this summer, he has broken off the relationship. With the Heart Wall nearly down, he is seeing himself more clearly and the significant other much differently. He is feeling happier and more relaxed now that the wedding is cancelled.

Lifetime of Migraines

A new 46 year old client is having trapped emotions released after a lifetime of migraines. When a migraine comes, it stays for 2-3 days. In fact, there are only about 10 days out of the month when she does not have a migraine. As you can imagine, this has greatly affected her life. She doesn’t have a driver’s license and has no job.

After her first session she slept for 6-7 hours. When a migraine was coming a day later, she saw the “aura” but never got the migraine but a mild headache. Stay tuned for the effects of future sessions.

Physically Abusive Marriage Takes It’s Toll

A 50 year old woman is going through a horrifying divorce because of physical abuse.  The divorce process has now gone on for four years with the abusive spouse deliberately delaying the process.  He has defied a “no contact order” three or four times, continues to make threats and wants nothing to do with the 8 year old daughter.  The only phone calls made are threats.

As one would expect, the woman in this relationship is living on egg shells and her stress level is off the charts.  After a trip to Urgent Care with level 9-10 pain and receiving an injection for pain control, nothing improved.  She was given two pain killers, nothing improved.   She has tried alternative treatment like acupuncture, essential oils, massage, and nothing improved.  She is crying from the sciatica pain.

Things are beginning to turn around with Emotion Code.  After two sessions, client states pain is decreasing. She also reports being calmer.  Less pain and calmer sound much better than a week ago. 

2-16-19 Update! Sciatica pain is gone! Lower back pain is gone and client is sleeping a little better.

5-21-19 Doing well.


The Effects from the Death of a Parent

Trapped Emotions can affect a child’s life forever if the trapped emotions are not released.  Every child that has suffered the death of a parent should have trapped emotions released.

A young man in his early 30s is still having trapped emotions released from the time his father died 20 years ago.  He has suffered from chronic depression, anger and anxieties.  Large numbers of  trapped emotions that have been recently released have been depression, anger and anxieties.  Because he has had so many trapped emotions, he has made many poor decisions that have caused even more trapped emotions.  In fact, his life was one trauma after another collecting more trapped emotions that he had considered committing suicide on more than one occasion.

Over 250 trapped emotions have been released and there are more to go.  While he has seen very positive changes recently in his personality and thinking, much of the suffering he has undergone over the past 20 years could have been greatly reduced or even eliminated.  This death of a parent at a young age has affected his learning, his relationships, and anger control.  All three categories have significantly improved recently.  At least, these trapped emotions have been permanently released.  Thank you, Emotion Code!

Sadness After a Difficult Life

A very successful woman expressed concern that she had been to a doctor for depression medication.  I was stunned.  After releasing 65 trapped emotions, she is feeling much better.   Is it the medication along with trapped emotions?  Maybe but we may never know.

She has since that time shared that her parents divorced when she was only four years old.  Because of a car accident, she was diagnosed with TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury.  With two small babies under the age of 5, she went through a divorce, suffers from anxiety, second spouse committed suicide.  Of course, she has many trapped emotions and they were bringing her down!

When asked how she is now feeling, she said, “I feel more at peace, more optimistic and I have more of an appetite.”  She is really excited about having more peace and optimism but not sure about having a better appetite.

3-4-19 After having over half of her very tall and thick Heart Wall released–over 230 trapped emotions, she has decided to file for divorce. She doesn’t know why she didn’t do it sooner. Perhaps, her Heart Wall was distorting her vision? And, the depression is subsiding.

3-25-29 Client is feeling more focused, more confident, and less fearful.
4-14-19 Client is less anxious and not as stressed and can refrain from saying things that she’ll regret. She is eager to see how she approaches life with a less guarded heart.

Sleeping Better Is Easily Done

I have probably had trouble sleeping for 20 years.  What a shock that this is about the time my husband died.  Trapped emotions perhaps?  I sometimes go on 2-3 hours of sleep or 4-5.  This is has been common for me for most days of the week.  Tossing and turning in bed is a nightly routine.  I once had a doctor ask me if I wake up “refreshed”  in the morning.   Are you kidding?  Refreshed?  What is that?

I recently attended a Dr. Bradley Nelson seminar in Utah and found the solution to sleeping well!!  If I’m wound up about something that just recently happened, I may have trouble sleeping but usually I get 7-9 hours of sleep now since the seminar.

What happened?  At the seminar, I learned how to “reset my circadian rhythm.”  It is easy.  Just ask me how to do that.  I can help.