Back Surgery Wasn’t Enough
Dini was born with a congenital spine defect but no one knew. Her back always hurt and adults thought she was trying to get out of work or activities. When she became 40 years old, she went to a specialist and learned parts of her spine were so weak, the spine could break from a severe impact such as a fall or car accident. Surgery was necessary. After surgery, Dini learned that her bones did not fuse properly and a second surgery was performed. The second surgery resulted in successful fusing.
In spite of these surgeries, portions of her back still ached. The pain was reduced but there was still pain. Emotion Code was tried. One session found trapped emotions in some of the vertebrae above and below the surgical area. After the session, Dini called to say all her pain was gone for the first time. Two weeks later, she called to state it is still gone!! She had been dreading sitting on an airplane to take an Alaskan cruise. Now she has no pain. “Miracle worker!” Thank you, Emotion Code!
Back Pain Disappears
A high school friend and I became reunited when she was in the area. I offered to do a session on her. What came up was back issues. She had not complained about her back hurting. After the session was over she said, “Wow, my back is so much better!!” The subconscious knows what is going on and helps us get better. BTW, a week later, her back is still better. Thank you Emotion Code and Body Code!
Looking Forward to a New Future with Sons
Leaving a 13 year old marriage with two sons is never easy but it is even harder when the spouse being divorced has no boundaries when speaking in front of his sons about their mother. Now that the divorce is final, there was so much baggage to unload from the past. Emotion Code was begun and after 8-10 sessions, things greatly improved.
This mom has stated, “I can’t believe how much less anxiety I feel and how optimistic I am about the future. For a while I thought my future was ruined. I have seen such an improvement in both of my boys, also! They don’t sit and stare out the window or stay in their rooms. School performance has also improved and I hear them giggling now. Emotion Code has helped all three of us.”
Severe Cut Leads to Trapped Emotions
A 32 year old man installing a furnace lightly moved his arm across jagged metal at a furnace installation. His skin tore from his wrist to his elbow and the bleeding was extensive. He was rushed to ER and it was quickly resolved.
An hour later, the request was made for trapped emotions to be released from this incident. Released were two psychic traumas with 4 and 5 trapped emotions each and 8 individual trapped emotions!! Everyone was quite surprised by the numbers of trapped emotions from this one incident. Luckily, they are permanently gone and will not return.
Family Relationships Have Greatly Improved With Emotion Code
Families often contain the least likely individuals to get along with eachother. Of course, there is a long history of trapped emotions causing this. Emotion Code was begun on a middle-aged woman because of health reasons in a dysfunctional family—well, try and find a functional one, right? As this nearly bedridden person began healing physically, family relationships began improving. Once her Heart Wall was nearly taken down, things got better yet. Communication for everyone improved. After less than a year, estranged members of the family are talking to each other after no communication for many years. It is not a Father Knows Best scenario yet, but people are communicating with each other and getting along better.
The original intent of the Emotion Code work was physical health. That goal was achieved and another benefit that surfaced was better emotional health for members of the family.
Colon Pain Mysteriously Disappears
I felt this need to call a friend that I had not talked to for a while. She answered the phone and sounded groggy. She was in the hospital for massive pain in the abdomen and had been given major pain injections. She had colon cancer surgery last year and recovered well. Why the pain, she asked? Doctors were doing test after test and everything was “inconclusive.” They could not find a source for the pain.
So, I said I will release some trapped emotions and call back. I released 27 from the abdomen. In an hour I called back to have her speaking totally differently. She sounded perfectly normal and happy. She said, “The nurses said I should have a shower now before the meds wear off.” She said something happened while in the shower–I felt different! Her pain never returned, it was gone. That was at the same time I was doing Emotion Code.
I called the next morning to see how she was doing. She was back at work. What? She said, “I feel great. It is as if this whole thing never happened.” Thank you Dr. Bradley Nelson!
Kidney Transplant Put on Hold
A man in his late 50s was on a kidney transplant list. He had dialysis three times a week at a local hospital. He also failed a stress test and doctors didn’t think he could survive major surgery. A friend suggested energy work, The Emotion Code. He agreed and received 10 Emotion Code sessions. The sessions focused on the kidneys, liver and heart.
He recently had an appointment at the Mayo Clinic. Doctors stated that his creatine levels are now much better and his heart is no longer likely to fail during surgery–he passed the stress test. He not only feels better but people have noticed that he looks better and has “color in his cheeks.” Two nurses at Mayo stated, “You are the healthiest looking dialysis patient we have.” Dialysis has been reduced to two times a week. A personality change has also been noticed–for the better.
Because of his “unexplained” improvement, his kidney transplant surgery has been delayed.
Quick Concussion Recovery
You graduate from high school with honors and get a full-ride scholarship to college for your sporting abilities! You are a talented baseball pitcher!! In mid-March of your second year, you take a direct line drive hit to your skull. Doctors quickly determine you need to be life-flighted to a major university hospital. The diagnosis is extremely serious. There is a very long skull fracture, brain swelling, bleeding on the brain, and a bruise on the brain itself the size of a fist.
You are forced to withdraw from all college classes and forfeit the quarter in college to go into rehab. You have balance issues, headaches, but the worst symptom is a lack of memory. You can’t remember what you just said, what you had for breakfast but worst of all, you can’t remember what you read. Reading comprehension is nearly zero. With healing time and rehabilitation experts, the hope is that you may return to college in the fall with few educational accommodations–6 months of intense rehabilitation.
After 6 weekly sessions of Emotion Code with several psychic traumas cleared, you have been released from rehab after less than two months and have no educational restrictions. No balance issues, no headaches, no flashbacks or PTSD, no nightmares, memory recovered and reading comprehension is completely restored. Instead of a hopeful recovery by fall with accomodations, the goals are completed by mid-May instead of September. The quick recovery was not expected but very welcomed.
Peace After a Tortured Life
A neighbor and friend for many years was very ill and unhappy. The childhood she survived was frightening. Her health was declining dramatically and she was in frequent feuds with family and even friends. It seemed like everyone misunderstood her and they probably did. After months of Emotion Code, she sent me the following this morning.
“You can’t even know how much better I have been feeling mentally and physically. I have been subbing twice a week the past 2 months. I have forgiven a lot of people and feel at peace. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Nothing more needs to be said.
Menstrual Time is Better
An 18 year old has had a tough time during her period for many years. After having an Emotion Code session releasing 20 trapped emotions from her abdomen, she said, “This one was so much easier than in the past!”
May. This same young lady of 18 said she had no symptoms of her monthly period coming. She had no bloating, no weight gain, no sensitivity. Very happy.