Neck is Getting Much Better
Many women have suffered from domestic abuse. I was one of them. Later in life, there are many issues with neck and back pain. From forceful blows, often to the head, the spine is injured. Specifically the cervical vertebrae in the neck area: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7. The damage shows up on X-rays in the form of arthritis in the spots that had the most injury.
A friend is going through this same situation. 20 years after the abuse only because she left, she has arthritis in C1-C4 and the pain brings her to tears. She received 2 epidurals and the relief was minimal with tears of pain continuing. She has had to leave work because of the pain several times even with the epidurals. Emotion Code addressed her C1 and C2 and she has relief. 18 trapped emotions were released from C1 and 16 from C2. She can not believe the difference in her neck! We plan on working on C3 and C4 in the near future. Emotion Code is such a blessing to everyone.
Going Off Asthma Medication
K.T. has battled asthma all her life. It greatly limited her activity. As a result, she has gained weight, over 100 pounds. This has led to depression, inability to cope in a stressful workplace, a divorce, loss of a job, more depression and more asthma issues. Her weak self-esteem took an even bigger hit because of this downward spiral. After 7 sessions of Emotion Code focusing mostly on her lungs, she is better. Depression was the dominant trapped emotion released and the predominant location was the lungs.
The sessions ceased and we reconnected this week after nearly a year. Over the past year since her lungs are significantly better, she has begun walking and lost 100 pounds. Her doctor is now taking her off steroids for her lung condition! Her depression is much, much less and she is now pursuing a career as an artist and is successfully selling her paintings. Her life has taken a 180 degree turn in 17 months. Another testament to the wonders of Emotion Code and Body Code.
Pressure on the Heart Decreased
A younger adult called to ask for energy work. For two days he has been feeling great pressure around his heart. It is a tightness that greatly concerned him. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was at an 8. After asking his subconscious for the root cause of this problem, it went directly to the heart. We released “20” trapped emotions from the heart area. After the session was over, he stated it had decreased to a “3”. He was likely suffering from heartache that had built up over the years. He is still going to go to a doctor to check things out but he’s greatly relieved.
Update: That evening, he was resting comfortably. Symptoms remain gone.
Better! Thank you so much!
Feeling so much better!! A client was recently so happy after our last session. She stated that this is the best she has felt for over 10 years!! Thank you, Dr. Nelson!
Coughing and Sore Throat Much Better
For two weeks, a young mom of two was getting quite run down from coughing and a sore throat. After a session of Emotion Code, both disappeared instantly. She was stunned. This is the power of Emotion Code!
Cloud of Doom and Gloom Evaporates
A young wife and mother of three has felt that there was a cloud of negativity following her through her life. There was just something there. After two sessions of Emotion Code, she stated that the cloud was lifting. She felt lighter and happier! Thank you, Dr. Nelson!
Depression and Anxiousness Released
A young woman asked for Emotion Code work. Nothing was known except her age. As Emotion Code began to work over the phone, the predominant trapped emotions were depression, anxiety and shame. By the end of the session, we had released 3 shame, 3 depression, and 3 anxiety. When the session was over, the young lady said, “I have felt shame all my life and battled depression and anxiety since elementary school.” Thank you, Dr. Nelson!
A Couple Separates after 47 Years
After 47 years of marriage, a split in a marriage is occurring because things are now seen differently. For the past 30 years, the woman has been the major breadwinner with the male enjoying the benefits. While his wife does all the cooking, landscaping, house maintenance, and shoveling snow so she can go to work, he sleeps. She also provides health insurance as a benefit by her employer, buys all the furniture and appliances, while he watches wrestling.
She recently announced that she can not live like this any longer. He doesn’t know what she is unhappy about. After many sessions of Emotion Code and having her Heart Wall released, the vision of how this domestic situation should be has greatly changed. She now looks in horror as she reviews the past 40 years and her role in this dysfunctional situation. She’s decided this can not continue and requested things change. They did change. Her husband has slashed a tire on her car and stated other threats of violence. When that didn’t work, he filed for divorce hoping to get everything she has worked for.
After Emotion Code lifted the veil from her eyes, her marriage is now seen through different lenses. She sees things as they clearly are and it is unacceptable to her. She will not return. She has newly found peace.
Neck and Back Pain Vanishes
Neck and back pain can be a great distraction for a busy person. A young mom with several children to care for every day was bothered for many weeks with an intense pressure at the base of her neck. It felt like a brick was pushing against her chest. Treatment didn’t seem to be effective.
One session with Emotion Code/Body Code released the pressure. It began with a tingling feeling in the evening. By morning, the pain and pressure was gone–totally gone. The surprising thing is that prior to the Emotion Code session, this problem was not even mentioned. The subconscious knew it was a problem and led us to the correct location. Thank you, Dr. Bradley Nelson.
A Couple Grows Together
A couple came and requested Emotion Code. Their issue was family stress around them and overcoming it. We released many trapped emotions from both over the past few months. What happened just yesterday was that the couple decided that they needed to clean up their own lives. They have both decided to stop smoking and drinking. They are elated to work together and support each other on this journey to better health. It is so interesting to see how Emotion Code works. Thank you Dr. Nelson for changing lives.