Heart Wall Is Down and Better Choices Surface

Imagine being in your early 20s and feeling like your life is going in the wrong direction quickly. One negative decision after another keeps happening and you are sinking in this quicksand of darkness. Emotion Code/Body Code seems to be one of the few options left to try.

Large numbers of depression and shame are released in every session and things improve a bit but it seems like things are not changing fast enough. Then, the Heart Wall begins coming down. Something feels different now. Heart Wall has been reduced by 300 feet and you wake up and say, “That’s it! I’m done with doing these things. I’m better than that!”

You’ve had a total change of heart and focus on how to improve your life. Today is the day!

Drive and Ambition Has Left a Painful Past

A very successful man has been reflecting upon his life. He has been very hard on himself, hard on his wife and hard on his children. As he is nearing retirement, he has been reflecting if this philosophy of push, push, push has been serving him well. He has reached out for Emotion Code/Body Code after a serious stress related illness.

What he realized after a few sessions, was that he had very hurtful psychic traumas released from him in his early teenage years. The trapped emotions and ages matched his most painful moments in life. What has been released are not just a few emotions but a very large number of them. His father was very ambitions and wanted him to also be ambitious. Push, push, push. As he reflected on how painful these traumas were when they occurred to him, he realized that this was exactly the way he has treated his wife and his children.

He is now trying to decide how having these trapped emotions released is going to affect his future and his relationships with his family. His stress is decreasing and he is giving changes to his future some serious thought. After 6 sessions, his wife is seeing a big difference in him.

Sadness and Shame Released from Heart Wall

M. has had a conflicted life. It has been filled with discontent and frustrations. When asked what she wants to have out of life, she couldn’t answer. Her life seemed to be a series of bouncing from one thing to another without success anywhere. She just knew that nothing made her happy and didn’t know why. Her childhood was very stressful, filled with divorces and a variety of men going in and out of the house daily, and she didn’t realize that her past has so much to do with her present situation.

Her Heart Wall was released over the past three sessions and she couldn’t believe how differently she felt. Nothing really changed in her life but she felt like she has a new start! What was in that Heart Wall? The majority of the trapped emotions, over 70%, were shame and depression. Depression is negative enough but shame is very damaging. Many think shame is feeling bad when you do something naughty. This is not the case, at all. Shame does so much damage because it means I AM BAD. I don’t deserve redemption or forgiveness. Shame often leads to “depression” and even suicide. It was truly a great day for M. who has a new start on her life at 42. Thank you, Emotion Code.

Craving for Vodka is Gone!

A client for over a year had not felt very successful with Emotion Code. S. was sluggish, lacked ambition, went to work tired and came home tired. She thought she was depressed and recently stated that she was drinking quite a bit after work. After 7 sessions she didn’t feel she was getting any better, at least didn’t feel it. She knew that this process is like peeling back an onion but wondered how big her onion was! In spite of numerous depressions released, along with miasms, curses and entities, she felt the same….until today.

The last session seemed to be the one to see the major changes. She suddenly felt different upon waking up. The depression seemed to be in a cloud that blew away and the sun was shining. But, most of all, the craving for vodka was not there. She was actually in a store standing in front of a bottle, put her hand on it, and walked away without buying it. The next day she walked past a display of liquor and the hair on her arm began to rise, got the chills, and she kept on walking. She feels like a new person with HOPE! Thank you Emotion Code!

Back Pain is Sooo Much Better!!

C. had battled back pain for over 10 years. She received little to no relief from many sources. On a scale of 1 to 10, she seemed to be stuck at an 8, 24/7. What about trying alternatives like Reiki, Reflexology, Accupuncture? She stated, “Honey, I’ve tried it all!” It was difficult to go up and down a few steps without assistance if there was no railing. Session One had a tingling effect but no real relief. Session Two had no relief. Session Three produced some long-awaited improvements. Her pain was now around 6. In fact, C. was SO happy after her third session that she cancelled appointment #4 and wants to wait and see how much better it will be!! That’s the best news I can hear as a practitioner! It is obvious that trapped emotions were a large part of her back pain. Thank you, Emotion Code!

Update!! C. has decided to become an Emotion Code practitioner!

Two Toddlers Greatly Improved after Emotion Code

Divorce can be very damaging for small children. Their peace and comfort is being disrupted and they show adults their pain in many negative ways.

Two little boys were going through a very tough time when parents separated. Their behaviors were almost bizarre. After two sessions with Emotion Code, they are behaving like they were before the separation. They are acting more like typical 3 and 5 year olds! Emotion Code can be very powerful for small children.

Peace After a Great Emotion Code Session!

How much is it worth to feel happier and lighter? A client recently had her first session after investigating Dr. Nelson’s energy work. What was released was merely what the subconscious wanted released that day. A few days later, this comment appeared.

“The hours following our session, I did indeed feel lighter as you said might be a fun “side-effect” of the work. Pretty sure I slept deeper than I have in a while, and felt an overall sense of peacefulness and calm. That sure felt good!” These can be the effects of Emotion Code for many people.

Lungs and Liver Improved!

In November of 2018, a 38 year old man suffered in a Mayo Clinic hospital bed. He received the bad news that he needed a liver transplant but was not eligible because of the poor condition of his lungs. His lungs could not sustain life in the future and transplant was denied.

Luckily, Emotion Code began releasing trapped emotions from both the liver and lungs. By the end of March 2019, the liver scored a “9”, transplant criteria is 13, and a liver transplant was no longer necessary. And, the lungs were also greatly improved and now able to sustain life. Trapped Emotions were literally killing him. Unfortunately, when his boss heard he needed a transplant, he fired him and fought him getting unemployment!

Today, this gentleman is beginning a new full-time job, has a significant other and is getting on with life. Thank you, Emotion Code.

Knee Pain is Gone

A young dad of three began having problems with his knee, just one of them. After two sessions of Emotion Code, it was gone. No ultrasound, no wraps, no physical therapy, no pills. Thank you Emotion Code!

Seeing Things More Clearly In Life

Trapped emotions, especially those in the Heart Wall, can “pull the wool over our eyes.” We may not be seeing things clearly because something is blocking our view. And, the past memories can prevent us from moving forward in our lives. We are unable to see opportunities before us and remain stuck.

After a few sessions of Emotion Code, I asked a client if she saw any changes. Her response was, “I do see changes. The releasing has allowed me to grow and see things more clearly so thank you so much! I am still continuing to work on growing. It shall be interesting and exciting to see what happens from the next session. Thank you.”