Felt Tingling Energy During Emotion Code Session

L. called for a session having read the book, The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson. She was considering becoming a practitioner and wanted to experience a session first. During the session, she stated that she could feel tingling in her arms, hands and fingertips. She also felt movement along her spine. Several psychic traumas were in her mid-20s and she said, “That is when my husband and I came to the USA and it was such a shock in culture from Japan!!” She was crying as she said, “Thank you.” Feedback from L. is, “I feel more optimistic, lighter and calmer.”

The results from Emotion Code and Body Code are quite subtle but powerful. And, each experience is different.

Pain and Nausea Vanish

For two days, a friend has been going into work with abdominal pain and severe nausea. Lunch was jello and dinner was pudding. The abdominal pain is from a hernia that needs to be corrected but she needs to lose weight first. So, she lives with the pain but this time the nausea was so great, she had to go home.

After a session of Emotion Code at 6:00 p.m., she was better by 7:00 p.m. and went to work the following day feeling very well. She doesn’t know what happened but she feels like she had never been sick.

Attention Improves with Emotion Code

If you walk into a 7th grade classroom, you will notice C. rather quickly because he’s the one rocking continuously in his chair. If he is not rocking in his chair, he is kneeling on his chair. When told to sit down for a test, he does so obediently — for 5-10 seconds. Having an understanding teacher, he is seated near the windows where his positions are of little distraction to others. She knows he is very bright and is more interested in his learning than his sitting.

C. also has difficulty in finishing his work, finding it after he does finish it, blurting out, and talking to others. He is a very kind young man who is always very sincerely sorry for his interruptions or holding things up in the classroom. Emotion Code was requested and after 4-5 sessions and many psychic traumas released at ages 3, 4, 5, and 6, the teacher commented on the difference.

“C. has found nearly all of his lost homework. Some assignments were two weeks old. This never happened before–once lost there was no hope. He has not had late assignments recently. He is losing things less frequently. He still rocks in his chair, but less. He still blurts out a bit and kneels on his chair but much less than before. I can see his grades coming up and he will get a few A’s which I knew were possible. I’ve noticed more confidence in himself and a happier boy.” C. has had an unhappy childhood until custody was given to his father. He is now on a happier and more successful path.

Congestive Heart Failure Improves

E. is a 78 year old retired school teacher. In casual conversations over a period of a few years, she had mentioned many losses in her life, some quite severe and tragic. She wasn’t coming to social gatherings so I went to visit. She told me that she was probably dying of a broken heart, doctors call it congestive heart failure. I offered Emotion Code and she accepted.

After our six sessions, I didn’t see her for a while. When I did she was no longer on oxygen. She said, “Oh, I got rid of that a month ago.” She also said, “While doctors told my daughter and son that I was not going to improve, I began getting better and better! I’m breathing much better, my heart is doing better and the swelling in my legs is way down.”

Emotion Code sessions alternated between releasing trapped emotions from her adrenals, lungs and heart. 16 psychic traumas were released and 170 trapped emotions in total. That was enough for the healing to begin. She is returning to social gatherings now and can drive short distances!! That’s a drastic change from being home-bound and on oxygen. A significant cause of her illness were trapped emotions from her painful past. Luckily, Emotion Code can identify the trappled emotions and release them.

My Son Talks to Me!

“For many years, communication has been very difficult between me and my son. He seems to always be angry and belittles everything I say. Although he still lives with me at 25 after the divorce, he comes home from work and goes to his room. I seem to be the village idiot. There is no respect.  

After six sessions of Emotion Code, his anger is decreasing. In fact, we can actually hold a conversation with no disagreements or outbursts. What was released was a large amount of depression and anger. Failure wasn’t far behind. He has begun to ask my advice on things. Once his Heart Wall was completely taken down, I saw him calmer and more caring. I’m very hopeful for the future. I didn’t want to put him on drugs like the doctors suggested.” Mom

Happier Marriage with Emotion Code

A couple came to me saying that they love each other but there seems to be a disconnect in the marriage. It doesn’t seem like they understand what the other is actually saying. The words spoken seem to cause hurt feelings when the words are not intended to hurt! What is wrong? As we built a Heart Wall around our heart to protect us, it makes it more difficult to communicate clearly.

After 5 sessions, the difference was very noticeable. What happened during those sessions? Childhood trapped emotions were released and the Heart Wall was taken down. The trapped emotions in the Heart Wall were from the past and were no longer needed as protection from the present. However, the Heart Wall was causing distortions in communications. Once the Heart Wall was down, communication greatly improved. Before the Heart Wall was removed, the conversations went like this.

She says, “Can you get the mail?” He hears, “I’m sick of always getting the mail!”

He says, “You look nice with your hair down.” She hears, “I don’t like your hair in a pony tail.”

She says, “Do you want me to call the plumber?” He hears, “I’ll call the plumber because you will never get it done.”

He says, “Let’s go out for supper!” She hears, “You aren’t a good cook.”

Taking down a Heart Wall makes a significant difference in communication. Once the trapped emotions are released from the Heart Wall causing distortions, we hear more clearly. Emotion Code improves communication.

Digestion and the Spine

C. is a 6 year old little girl suffering with digestive issues. She often has a tummy ache, is perpetually constipated, wets the bed often, and seems to have gas issues daily. This was not always the case. Her parents have taken her to doctors and they heard that she needs a laxative, heartburn medication, and it was suggested parents purchase an alarm system for her bed that will wake her up to use the bathroom when sleeping so she doesn’t wet the bed. The parents sought help from alternative doctors and felt some success but the symptoms only decreased.

Emotion Code became an option. To everyone’s surprise, the misalignment in the spine was the first priority! The largest number of trapped emotions were released from the C1–the Atlas at the base of the skull. Some lumbar and cervical vertebrae had multiple trapped emotions released as well as the stomach. In the next session, some inherited miasms (suppressed diseases) were released–yes grandpa and great-grandpa have digestion issues, as well. The hypothalamus gland was realigned which controls sleep patterns and body temperature. The pyloric sphincter also needed to be energetically balanced–it allows food to pass into the intestines. After the 4th session, she had a normal BM and was jumping up and down saying, “It didn’t hurt!” Stomach aches are rare. The bed wetting is also greatly decreased. The work continues.

Relationships Improve with Emotion Code

R. had a brutally punitive father growing up. His home was not a place he came to for safety and he learned to be by himself. He could trust himself. He became an island and didn’t interact with people. “I was present only.”

R. was deployed to the Middle East and returned home only to find socialization got even worse. Now, even being around people as an island was difficult so he stayed away from people even more, if that was possible. Eventually, he was diagnosed with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

After being urged by a friend to try Emotion Code, he noticed a difference rather quickly. He has become much more social and, in fact, now seeks out people for socialization. He actually enjoys it! It is interesting to note that what was released from R. were NOT trapped emotions from combat. He greatly improved when we released trapped emotions from CHILDHOOD! It became evident that the emotional baggage of combat merely tipped the scales into overload from what was already present. Combat was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. What is giving R. emotional freedom today is releasing the painful trapped emotions of his childhood. R. learned that we don’t just grow out of childhood experiences and “get over them.” These trapped emotions stay until they are released. Emotion Code improves lives.

Adoption and Trapped Emotions

E. was adopted at the time of birth or so she thought. Records are not available to her so she isn’t sure about the process. E. is assuming she was instantly adopted at birth. She has always felt less valuable than others and didn’t feel she could stand up for herself. She called herself the unimportant mouse in the corner–never voicing her opinion. She has had 3 failed marriages and is now single. What has shown up with Emotion Code is trauma from birth to age 12 months. Traumas have been released at birth, first week, second week, 1st month, 2nd month, 4th month, and recently at one year of age. E. states that she had a good mother. The question is when that good mother became her mother. Requests for DHS records have been denied.

After 6 sessions, E. has stated, “I feel so much better! I sleep well, have not had those down days of depression and feeling sorry for myself. My body tension is gone and it is much easier to relax. Thank you so much! I look forward to more sessions to feel even better!”

Mom Is Shocked at How Much Her Son Has Changed!

Less than 6 months ago, a mom was in a panic about her son’s health. Liver and lungs were so weak, he could not even receive a liver transplant–he wouldn’t survive the surgery. That all changed gradually over 3-4 months with lungs improving and liver transplant being cancelled because of his dramatic improvement. Large numbers of trapped emotions were released from the lungs and liver and most were from childhood. She is frightened to think of what could have been had she not tried Emotion Code. But there is more….

This young man’s Heart Wall has now been removed and she just told me today, “I’m going to have to get to know my son all over again! He has changed so much for the positive!! He is showing much more respect and caring.” Not only has his physical health improved but also his emotional health. Thank you, Dr. Nelson, for developing The Emotion Code!