People At Work Have Noticed the Change
“I guess it was quite obvious that I was a negative and angry person. I snapped at people at home and work and let my unhappiness with my life show in the workplace and everywhere else. I was Danny Downer at work. After a few sessions of Emotion Code, my friends at work noticed a small change. I didn’t bite their heads off over little things. But now, after 7 sessions, they are actually engaging me in conversations. Maybe the coast is clear? 🙂 They are letting me know that they are seeing that I am a happier person and easier to get along with. And, they would be right. After releasing hundreds of trapped emotions and miasms, I feel a lot better about myself.” Emotion Code can work wonders with emotional balance and improves happiness.
I’m Floating!!!
“I’ve recently moved to a new and much larger city than the one I formerly lived. I have to find a new doctor, hairdresser, chiropractor, pharmacy, bank, grocery stores, and church. And, I do not know one person here—not one. While the salary of my new job is more than double of the former one, the stress is also much higher. I’ve fought anxiety in the past and it is rearing its ugly head again.
Emotion Code has really helped me. I’ve had 5 sessions and after the last one, I felt like I was floating above the floor about 6-8 inches. I actually looked at my feet to see if they were even touching the floor—yes, they were, but it didn’t feel like it. It was a bit of euphoria! I’m now calmer and more peaceful. I will have more sessions because I want my very large heart wall released. It has been a great experience for me to be able to release my stress and trapped emotions from the past.”
My Hives Symptoms Are Gone!
I’ve had issues with hives for many years. I’ve kept a diary of food on a daily basis and there doesn’t seem to be a certain food that is the culprit. I’ve changed cleaning products, soap, shampoos, laundry detergent and still had hives breakouts. I had one session of Emotion Code five months ago and what was released was one Psychic Trauma and 6 to 9 trapped emotions from vertebrae T1, T2, T4 and T5 each. I have not had a hives breakout since these were released.
Bedwetting Improves!
One can only imagine how humiliating it must be to continuously wet the bed when young. But, imagine how discouraging it must be at age 25. M. has had no relief from bedwetting his entire life. He has tried counseling, medication, various medical treatments and no relief—until Emotion Code.
After several sessions of Emotion Code, he has gone 5 days without wetting the bed! This is a miracle for him. Of course, he is disappointed that there will be accidents for 2-3 days after the dry spell but then he has another 4-5 dry nights. We are making headway. Another noticeable difference is less anger and better communication.
When allopathic medicine does not produce the wanted results, give Emotion Code a try. You may be quite pleased with the changes.
Vaginal Tumor Shrinks
J. had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and had been cancer free since that time. Her diabetes had become erratic and she asked for Emotion Code. After four sessions, her diabetes was regulated. However, her platelets are very low and she is very susceptible to bleeding.
So, when she began to show some bleeding during urination, she was not concerned until it increased. Making an appointment, she was told she had a very large tumor on her vagina. She was sent to the state university hospital because of her bleeding condition. Meanwhile, Emotion Code released over 50 trapped emotions in that area.
One week later, upon examination at the university hospital, the doctor stated that the tumor was not nearly the size related in the first doctor’s initial exam. Surgery is scheduled in two weeks. More trapped emotions will be released prior to surgery.
First Session of Emotion Code Has Amazing Results!!
Jennifer is a gentle and quiet lady. She also seemed like a sad lady that was carrying a lot of hurt. She stated little about herself other than she was married and 57 with two children and grandchildren. After the first session, she stated she felt taller, moved her right shoulder, smiled and we made an appointment for the following week.
When she returned for her second session, she shared the changes from the first session with great joy.
1. “I have not had a regular bowl movement since I was 4 years old. I do now!! This has been a burden for 53 years!!”
2. “For 13 years, food sticks in my throat and usually comes back up. At family dinners, I make a plate and cover it up to eat later so no one sees the food coming up. That is now gone. What goes down, stays down!!!
3. “I’ve had lower back pain forever. On a scale of 1 to 10, it has been an 8 and is now down to a 2.”
4. “Two days before our first session, I went to a doctor because my shoulder was locked up. I was looking at rotator cuff surgery. It is free now and no pain!!” She moved her arm in every direction to demonstrate. “This is a miracle and has changed my life!!”
5. “My ankle has been swollen for most of my life. When I was 4 my father hit my ankle with a 2 x 4. Swelling is WAY down.”
She then shared about her extremely abusive childhood and made a third appointment. Emotion Code and Body Code can have amazing results. It is not very often that someone has such instant and miraculous results but Jennifer was overwhelmed with joy that she was the one.
Felt Tingling Energy During Emotion Code Session
L. called for a session having read the book, The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson. She was considering becoming a practitioner and wanted to experience a session first. During the session, she stated that she could feel tingling in her arms, hands and fingertips. She also felt movement along her spine. Several psychic traumas were in her mid-20s and she said, “That is when my husband and I came to the USA and it was such a shock in culture from Japan!!” She was crying as she said, “Thank you.” Feedback from L. is, “I feel more optimistic, lighter and calmer.”
The results from Emotion Code and Body Code are quite subtle but powerful. And, each experience is different.
Pain and Nausea Vanish
For two days, a friend has been going into work with abdominal pain and severe nausea. Lunch was jello and dinner was pudding. The abdominal pain is from a hernia that needs to be corrected but she needs to lose weight first. So, she lives with the pain but this time the nausea was so great, she had to go home.
After a session of Emotion Code at 6:00 p.m., she was better by 7:00 p.m. and went to work the following day feeling very well. She doesn’t know what happened but she feels like she had never been sick.
Attention Improves with Emotion Code
If you walk into a 7th grade classroom, you will notice C. rather quickly because he’s the one rocking continuously in his chair. If he is not rocking in his chair, he is kneeling on his chair. When told to sit down for a test, he does so obediently — for 5-10 seconds. Having an understanding teacher, he is seated near the windows where his positions are of little distraction to others. She knows he is very bright and is more interested in his learning than his sitting.
C. also has difficulty in finishing his work, finding it after he does finish it, blurting out, and talking to others. He is a very kind young man who is always very sincerely sorry for his interruptions or holding things up in the classroom. Emotion Code was requested and after 4-5 sessions and many psychic traumas released at ages 3, 4, 5, and 6, the teacher commented on the difference.
“C. has found nearly all of his lost homework. Some assignments were two weeks old. This never happened before–once lost there was no hope. He has not had late assignments recently. He is losing things less frequently. He still rocks in his chair, but less. He still blurts out a bit and kneels on his chair but much less than before. I can see his grades coming up and he will get a few A’s which I knew were possible. I’ve noticed more confidence in himself and a happier boy.” C. has had an unhappy childhood until custody was given to his father. He is now on a happier and more successful path.
Congestive Heart Failure Improves
E. is a 78 year old retired school teacher. In casual conversations over a period of a few years, she had mentioned many losses in her life, some quite severe and tragic. She wasn’t coming to social gatherings so I went to visit. She told me that she was probably dying of a broken heart, doctors call it congestive heart failure. I offered Emotion Code and she accepted.
After our six sessions, I didn’t see her for a while. When I did she was no longer on oxygen. She said, “Oh, I got rid of that a month ago.” She also said, “While doctors told my daughter and son that I was not going to improve, I began getting better and better! I’m breathing much better, my heart is doing better and the swelling in my legs is way down.”
Emotion Code sessions alternated between releasing trapped emotions from her adrenals, lungs and heart. 16 psychic traumas were released and 170 trapped emotions in total. That was enough for the healing to begin. She is returning to social gatherings now and can drive short distances!! That’s a drastic change from being home-bound and on oxygen. A significant cause of her illness were trapped emotions from her painful past. Luckily, Emotion Code can identify the trappled emotions and release them.