Vertigo, Cheek Pain, Heartburn Gone!
“When I began Body Code sessions, I had aches and pains everywhere. Headaches came often, heartburn was rampant, left cheek hurt to the touch and dizziness would not go away. After one session my vertigo left and has not returned after three months. The cheek pain seemed to be caused by an imbalance in facial bones and that is now gone. The source of the heartburn was an imbalance in the ileocecal valve, the lower sphincter wasn’t closing properly. Once the imbalances were released, these irritating symptoms disappeared. We are presently working on an eye issue, stomach pain, and some vertebrae. After going to doctors for years and trying various medications that didn’t work, I’m so happy to have found an alternative worth trying.”
I Feel Lighter!
“As a teacher, wife and mother of three, I have always felt like I’ve had the world on my shoulders. I could never quite pin the tail on the donkey, but just felt there was something that needed to be released. After my 4th session of Body Code, I felt different. I just felt like I had taken a breath of fresh air. It was as if a burden was lifted. What made things so interesting was that everything released was from 5-20 years ago! Body Code is truly Healing the Past.”
My Personality Has Changed for the Better
“After a very tumultuous marriage, I filed for divorce. I was stressed out to say the least, not sleeping well, having emotional ups and downs, and saying things I didn’t mean. A friend recommended Body Code and after just 3 sessions, my friends have noticed a difference in me! While I felt subtle changes of being less worried, they noticed a calmness in my demeanor and more confidence. Sometimes, those around us notice the changes more than we do!”
Kidney Stone Pain Relief
“My family has a history of kidney stones but I did not give that information to my practitioner. I didn’t think it was important. I called for relief from two weeks of pain waiting for a stone to pass. The first energy to be released was a Miasm indicating that it was inherited from my father, his father, his father and 3 more generations. I was amazed that this showed up!! After the session was over, my pain was reduced greatly and I was able to move about the house with greatly reduced pain for the first time in two weeks. I had spend two weeks in a chair not knowing something could have been done about it!”
Nightmares Became a Pleasant Dream
“Over twenty years ago, I was in a difficult job with several less than stellar supervisors. I felt I was doing a very good job for them but nothing ever got approval. I finally left to take a different position and on my last day no one acknowledged me leaving. It was just like another day. Didn’t hear, “We will miss you,” or “I’ve enjoyed working with you.” No card, no balloon…nothing. Over the past 20 years I’ve been having recurring nightmares of this day except things were worse than in reality. In the nightmare, the individuals were more mean-spirited and cruel.
After several sessions of Body Code and the release of many psychic traumas during these years, I had a wonderful dream. It was my last day of work again except there was a Farewell Party. There were balloons, a cake, warm parting words, expressions of appreciation. I couldn’t believe it!! The trapped emotions that were giving me these nightmares are gone!!”
Shoulder Blade Pain Nearly Gone
“When I first contacted EmotionRelease.org for Body Code work, I was mostly concerned about my anxiety level. Ever since the Corona virus has infected our state, I found myself feeling more than merely cautious. It was difficult for me to leave my home in spite of being in my 30s, no medical concerns and at low risk. The anxiety is now greatly reduced after four sessions. In fact, it is lower than it was before the virus hit. Most of the trapped emotions released were from early childhood. Who knew?
However, my big surprise is that the pain in my left shoulder blade that has been bothering me for several years, is nearly gone!! I just realized that while exercising a few days ago. I had always favored my left side while exercising but noticed I could use muscles on both sides equally–I merely feel a little pulling. What a great surprise!! More than I had hoped for!!”
Migraine Faded Away
“I’ve experienced migraines most of my life. I don’t get them often but they always begin with an “aura.” This aura is a warning that it is coming. In the past, an aura has always produced a migraine…always! Today, it did not. At the exact time I was having a Body Code session, the aura came but the migraine never materialized. I am convinced that the Body Code releases were responsible for this healing.” Male, 61.
Neck Pain from Whiplash Nearly Gone
A retired nurse has had a lifetime of neck pain after suffering from “10” car accidents. The impacts were all from the rear when she was at a stop light. This, of course, had a huge impact on her C-1 Atlas and C-2 Axis as she was thrown forward and then back–whiplash. She has suffered with headaches so severe that she actually prayed to die. Doctors and chiropractors couldn’t seem to have an impact on these neck injuries. Chiropractic gave her the best relief but it was for short periods of time.
During one of our sessions the C-1 showed as needing trapped emotions released and we did. This helped relieve about 20-30% of the pain. The next session showed the C-2 needing trapped emotions released and the entire session was spent on the C-2. For the first time in over 20 years, the pain was nearly gone. There is still a bit of discomfort but nothing like it had been for a large portion of her life. She is absolutely thrilled!!
Acid-Reflux Disappears
A retired nurse has battled acid-reflux most of her life. She tried over the counter remedies, natural remedies and prescription drugs. Nothing seemed to work well. Every day it was a matter of how much the problem was reduced but never went away completely. This issue was addressed during a Body Code session. What surfaced in the session was her stomach sphincters. These are muscles at the top and bottom of the stomach to prevent back ups. Her Cardiac Sphincter at the top of the stomach seemed to be out of alignment. When this occurs, food can “back up” with stomach acids and cause heartburn. Five psychic traumas were released going back to ages 14 and 15 and we moved on to other issues.
At our session the following week, she stated, “I’ve had NO acid-reflux all week and have taken nothing for it! Even when I lie down to sleep, nothing is there! I think it is gone!” Trapped Emotions may cause many irritations, aches and pains. Body Code releases them.
Shoulder Blade Pain is Gone
L. is in her 40s and recently learned she was going to be divorced. Within a month, her former shoulder blade pain returned with a vengeance and worse than it had ever been. The pain was on the right side and actually woke her up when she slept. It was affecting her ability to work during the day.
Body Code showed that she had trapped emotions in her right clavicle bone, shoulder blade and humerus bone. Within an hour, the pain was gone and remains gone. She thinks the stress of her new situation stirred up an old injury but the pain is now gone.