My Arm Has Feeling Now
I began Body Code sessions for my depression. My childhood seemed to be haunting me with flashbacks and PTSD. All I told my practitioner was that I was feeling depressed. Instantly, trapped energies were being released from the traumatic years of 6, 7, 8 and 9. The depression was lifting gradually after each session.
A few sessions later the focus was on my neck. Again, I had said nothing about having little mobility in my neck but after the session I could turn my head left and right with greater ease. My subconscious just knew what needed to be released.
The most recent session was focusing on my arm. I thought that was interesting since I had not mentioned that my arm had been bothering me. The subconscious began releasing from the clavicle bone down to the fingertips. Usually, my hand is totally numb but it was tingling at the end of the session. I can’t wait for my next session.
Oh BTW, I had gone through three physical therapy programs and steroid injections with zero success.
Heart Wall is Linked to Joy
I initially began Body Code sessions because I had shoulder pain. However, my Body Code practitioner was also taking down my Heart Wall. While the pain is greatly reduced, my husband noticed that I was now a happier person about the same time my Heart Wall was brought down to zero. I thought he was joking so I asked, “How do you know I’m happier?” He said, “Well, you smile and laugh a lot more now than before.” It is strange I had not noticed that myself. Sometimes, other people notice things in us more than we do. There just seems to be more joy in my life now.
Scar Tissue Pain is Reduced
Several years ago I had surgery on my left foot, specifically the heel. The doctors were pleased with the surgery but after the foot healed, there was strong pain that continued. Doctors said that the scar tissue was causing the pain which was almost the same severity as the pain I had in the first place!
After a few sessions of Body Code, the pain is significantly less. This is a big deal to me since I’m on my feet most of the day, every day. What was released were trapped energies from the past–like 40 years in the past. Who knew that something that happened 40 years ago could cause problems today? I’m getting another package of this energy work and feeling hopeful that even more pain will be released.
We’re Pregnant!!
We’ve been seeking fertility help for many years. We gave Body Code a chance and after 6 sessions, we are pregnant!! There were many energetic blockages preventing successful outcomes. They were located in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, hypothalamus gland, pituitary gland and pineal gland.
My husband had so many aches and pains and Body Code has reduced those as well–the energies released just happen to be where he was injured in a car accident…the exact locations. Are both of these instances a coincidence? I think not.
Curses Were Causing My Knee Pain
“I began having sessions with a Body Code practitioner because I wanted to release some old trapped emotions. I had no idea that my left knee that had been bothering me could also have relief. After releasing several curses in my knee, the pain went away. That weekend I went hiking with no pain!”
Depression Is Lifting
“I knew I had depression for a long time. I didn’t realize how much happier I could be until Body Code began releasing my depression. One day I just began to sing and realized I had not sung for a very long time.”
Left Foot is Pain Free
A. has had issues with the entire left side of her body. Left hip, left knee, left ankle, left foot. After three sessions of Body Code and releasing many emotions and curses, she is now pain free. We are now moving to the next level. A. is beyond happy about her pain being gone!
Knee Pain is GONE!
S. has been unable to go walking for several months. Her right knee began to hurt so her walking became less and less until it stopped. She took pain killers but didn’t want to be taking them every day. She had a session of Body Code and found that the source of her pain seemed to be curses from a former husband.
The very next day she went walking for several blocks with NO pain and NO pain medication!! We released 11 curses from the ulna, patella, heel, meniscus, and arch. S. is going to try to walk farther tomorrow!!
Curses Caused Back Pain
Entering a family business can be trying–especially when the son does better at running the business than the father. Jealousy is a powerful, negative emotion.
One would assume that when a child is very successful, every parent would be filled with joy but that is not always the case. When M. began producing better results in the ledger than dad, M. began having back and shoulder pain. Year after year, the pain got worse to the point it was like have an excruciating, stabbing knife pain in the back and shoulders all day long. When M. reached out to Body Code not wanting pain killers, he found that curses were causing most of the problems–curses from jealousy, anger and control. As we released the curses and other trapped energies slowly, the back kept getting better and better. Finally, in June, M. was pain free!!
Evil Spirit is Gone!
L. was having nightmares every night. Therefore, no one in the family was sleeping. His room was very cold unlike the rest of the house. There seemed to be no physical reason for this room to be so cold. L. also had a great fear of his closet. Being 2.5 years old, he was also distant from everyone and cried easily. Body Code instantly saw an evil spirit. When the evil spirit was released, L. was cuddly, his room was warm, nightmares were gone. 16 energies were released and now the evil spirit is permanently gone.
Update June 5: Two more evil spirits have been released now from L. He continues to do well after they were released.