Able to Focus Better
A colleague to a friend of mine was complaining that she had so much to do before school began in the fall but just couldn’t get things organized. She had always been like this and was easily overwhelmed at the beginning of a school year. I got permission to work on her and very quickly after the session she stated, “Oh my gosh! I just began sorting and seemed to know where to put things!” After doing energy work a second time, she stated that her anger seemed to be gone. I didn’t know she had anger issues. She stated her life has been changed for the better. Two short sessions made a big difference to this person.
Hip Pain Gone 80% ?
A 58 year old friend of mine has a very active job in a church. She is on her feet quite a bit of the day. I noticed she was limping and she said that doctors are monitoring and stated she doesn’t qualify for a hip replacement. The pain is not corroborated by the X-Rays. The pain did not go away well with Advil or other medication. It seemed she had no options. I did energy work on her hip pain. I was disappointed to hear that she felt no difference the next day. I waited another day and did energy work again. By the third day she stated that when she got up in the morning it was better but through the day, the pain returned. On the fourth day the pain was significantly reduced. At the end of the week, it seemed to be about 80% gone. During the sessions, I released many trapped emotions from the age of 42-45. She said, “Those were not good years at all. So much stress for our family.” Stressful times can result in trapped emotions.
About 5 months later we talked and I asked how her hip was. She said, “What about it?” I said, “The hip pain. How bad is it?” Her response was, “Hip pain? I don’t have any hip pain!” Unfortunately, other individuals have not fared this well with hip pain but this one did.
Sadness Leaves Overnight
A recently retired professional filed for divorce after 35 years in a bad marriage. She was hoping for peace and happiness. Instead, she lost half of her retirement, her house, and had to go to work part-time. Since her husband had no retirement plan by choice, the court awarded him half of hers. To make matters worse, soon after the divorce was final, he inherited his parent’s estate and is enjoying brand new vehicles and a free home while she lives in an apartment. As expected, she slipped into a deep depression not wanting to be with people and didn’t want to work. After just one session of The Emotion Code, her response was, “I woke up this morning and I was myself again!! The clouds have parted and I’m looking forward to working again. Thank you.” I wish each case was like this but that is not the case. I’m just sharing this to show that sometimes releasing just the right trapped emotions can have this effect.
Lack of Focus and Procrastination Greatly Improves
A 50 year old mom told me in a casual conversation that she can’t seem to get anything done. She has trouble focusing and puts things off. I stated that everyone does that. She was emphatic that it was becoming a problem with her leaving unfinished projects in every corner of the house!! After a few sessions she was excited to tell me that she could focus better and actually finish a project. “I’m so much more focused!!” And since she can now focus so much better, the procrastination is greatly diminished. The piles are now gone and her husband suggested she not start any new projects. But, she has taken on a few because she now knows she will finish them. As a side effect, she has become more social and outgoing after so many trapped emotions from the past were released that were causing her to feel guilt and shame. She was not aware how these trapped emotions were affecting her until they were released.
Relationships Improve
A young man had his parents divorce when very young and dad was in the military service. Each time dad was gone, mom would tell him cruel stories of how dad didn’t love him or he wouldn’t be gone. This set the young man up to dislike and even hate his dad. When dad remarried a wonderful woman, his son hated both of them. At 15 he wanted nothing to do with his dad. He didn’t even want to meet him for lunch before he was again deployed. After removing his Heart Wall made of trapped emotions, he is now much different. He is communicating with his dad in the Middle East, clears snow from step-mom’s driveway, and when he left the other day, he gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. We all have Heart Walls and they distort our communication with other people. Removing a Heart Wall builds better relationships.
Anxieties and Anger Leave
A 17 year old girl has been plagued by anxieties and anger for most of her life. This has made friendships very difficult and greatly strained family peace. Her anxieties became so severe that she could no longer attend school in spite of medication and counseling. While home schooled for several years, things did not improve. After 8 Emotion Code sessions, her anxieties and anger are greatly reduced. In addition to working on her anxieties and anger, her Heart Wall was removed and she herself noticed that she is more fun to be with! She is now attending her local public school, nurse no longer calls to come and get her, and she comes home from work announcing how great her day was. Her mother is wondering who this new person is! She is a high school senior with a high g.p.a. and hoping to attend a college six states away.
Anger and Addictions Greatly Decreased
A young man lost his father to cancer when he was only nine years old. He suffered greatly emotionally. Medication had no effect and several counselors seemed to find nothing wrong but he had insecurities, insomnia, depression and so much anger. He exhibited many addictive behaviors and had run ins with law enforcement in spite of being a wonderful person. It was confusing to everyone that knew him. At the insistence of his mother, he agreed to meet with an Emotion Code practitioner. After many sessions, he himself noticed his anger decreasing greatly! In addition to that, he quit smoking, chewing tobacco, and usage of alcohol is greatly decreased from heavy to very little. He has a more positive outlook on life. It is unfortunate that he had to wait nearly 20 years to receive what he needed, but at least he is on the right path now.
Vertigo Gone
A woman in her late 50s developed vertigo and doctors gave her no hope that it will improve. “You’ll just have to live with it. We’ve tried everything.” Getting out of bed was a struggle and bending over quickly was likely to cause a fall if she was not hanging on to something. She did have several Emotion Code sessions on other issues but only one short session was focusing on vertigo. She recently went to her doctor and got up from the table with no issue at all!! There have been no dizzy episodes for several months since the session. And, she is sleeping better.
Night Terrors Gone
A 13 year old girl has struggled with night terrors her entire life. Sleep overs are very unsuccessful and mom doesn’t even go to bed–she waits on the couch for the phone call that her daughter has to come home, again. She was extremely premature (69 days in NICU) when born and mom suspects the hospitalization experience and lack of bonding may have had an effect on her emotionally. They have gone to counselors, Reiki practioners, practitioners that did energy work but not the Dr. Bradley Nelson method and tried other alternative measures. Nothing seemed to improve the extreme night terrors and she even struggled sleeping in her own bed alone. In the morning, they would find her sleeping on the floor in their bedroom. These night terrors were not mere nightmares but terrifying experiences that no one could console. After 2-3 Emotion Code sessions, mom announced that she had her first successful sleep over in her life! Her Heart Wall was released soon after this to help reestablish her middle school relationships with peers.
RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) Improved
Individuals in the counseling and medical field know that RAD is likely to end in being institutionalized. RAD is an emotional diagnosis for not bonding with the mother and not having needs met when a baby. The child grows up angry and won’t accept anything from adults when older. “You weren’t there for me then and I hate you now.” These children are often adopted and at an early age may execute the family puppy, confiscate kitchen knives, deliberately vomit all over the main course at supper, try to choke younger siblings and pit the father against the mother by the age of 6 or 7. There are centers that do have a positive effect on RAD children but they usually require specialized therapy prior to the age of 4 or 5. Since these children go from foster home to foster home quickly causing terror and havoc, they are often not diagnosed until much older.
An adopted girl from Guatamala came to the USA past the age of effective therapy being possible on a private adoption. She was the oldest of three adopted children. It did not take long for the younger two to begin complaining that the oldest was trying to smother them with pillows, choke them, beat them, chase them with harmful objects and suspensions from school began quickly. For the safety of the younger two, the oldest child was placed in an institution specializing in RAD but it was three states away and costs $25,000 a month. She was there for several months with no improvement. After four Emotion Code sessions, she was placed in a transition home and doing much better but not home. She was able to visit with family on the phone without death threats and yelling. The younger two are still afraid of her but they can visit and the rage in the oldest is greatly reduced. Practitioner has lost contact with the family so no update is available.