I’m a World Class Worrier!
A teacher had given herself the nickname of World Class Worrier. She would wake up in the morning and her first thoughts were what might happen today at school. Of course, her mind would instantly go to past negative experiences to validate her thinking. Her mind was soon telling herself that today would be one bad experience after another. What made it worse was that she still had emotions attached to past memories. So, by the time she even left for school, she was not only concerned but anxious and upset before she got into the parking lot. What was happening was that her trapped emotions were active 24/7 and recycling past events in her mind. Trapped emotions keep past emotions running at full throttle so in a split second you may re-experience them again and again. Who needs that? No one.
After just one session releasing 13 trapped emotions, she saw a significant change. Her worrying has been significantly reduced. What is even better is that when she does remember an event, the emotions doesn’t seem to be there. She can remember something without getting upset. The Emotion Code doesn’t eliminate memories, it merely removes the strong emotions that went with that experience. She finds herself being more serene through the day.
Anger Was Controlling Me
A 52 year old man got notice to be deployed to the Middle East. At his age he had hoped to no longer be deployed and away from his family 6 months or more. When we asked him if he could ask to remain state-side, he stated, “Undeployable equals Unemployable.” He found himself getting angry over every disappointment in life. Grocery store was out of his item. The gas in the car was near empty. The stop light was too long. His wife got home late from work. Her parents were coming for dinner AGAIN?
His wife asked for energy work not knowing what was going on. After two sessions, the unreasonable anger seemed to subside a great deal. It was very noticeable. After a few more sessions, he felt like a different person and shared that his childhood was a nightmare. The majority of his trapped emotions were between the ages of 5-12. The spontaneous anger has not returned. He requested his Heart Wall to be released. It was huge and is about 80% gone.
I’m a Bundle of Nerves!
A retired teacher was very concerned about her kidneys. She was obviously very anxious about it. She was going in for special tests and her doctor had serious issues about her adrenals after tests showed serious abnormalities. She asked for prayers. After more conversation, I learned she was also concerned about the high numbers of her type 2 diabetes, her stomach, left shoulder pain, hormone levels were becoming abnormal and it became obvious that there were ADHD issues. In closing she mentioned that she has cataract surgery coming up for both eyes. On a scale of 1 to 10, she rated her anxiety a 9 and her concern about her adrenals a 10.
My first goal was to work on that anxiety level and it was brought down from a 9 to a 4 after two sessions. The next goals were adrenals and ADHD. Two weeks later, she told me that her adrenals were perfectly normal!! Her doctor said the initial test must have had an error. Her high blood sugar numbers came down a bit. And, she seems to be much calmer–she attributes that to her health issues improving and worrying less. 🙂 Cataract surgery was successful.
Heat, Humidity and Asthma
A 63 year old woman was declared disabled because of her asthma. She was obese and needed a walker but still managed to work part-time. However, in the summer when the heat and humidity were high, she had to start her car 5 minutes early so the car was cool before she entered. The heat made breathing so difficult, she would have to recover inside her cooled car for 5 minutes after her walk from her house to her car. Grocery shopping was especially challenging since it required so much walking. She had to rest on the bench inside the store for 5 minutes before she could begin her shopping because the walk from her car to the store was exhausting.
After three sessions, she still had severe asthma and still needed a walker. However, the resting periods in the car and on the bench were no longer necessary. And she noticed that her heart pounded less than before. Most of her trapped emotions were dated in her mid-50s. That is when her husband filed divorce papers and left her.
Fear of Flies
A rescue dog had an unusual fear—flies. He was a typical dog greeting visitors to his home. He enjoyed company and playing. He had no issues going outside or going for rides in a car. He seemed like your typical friendly pet until a fly would get in the house. He then cowered and hid beneath furniture refusing to come out until the fly was either dead or behind the blinds. If the fly would come out from behind the blinds, again terror! Hide, hide! After two Trapped Emotion sessions, there was no change. The practitioner then learned that the puppy was in a poorly run puppy mill and siblings may have died. Dead animals could attract flies. When the question was asked if flies were associated with death, we got a yes. That emotion was cleared. While he still doesn’t like flies and keeps his eyes on them, the terror factor seems to be gone.
I’m Working on It!
Two adopted siblings, ages 6 and 8, were having a difficult time getting along. They had been in several foster homes for short periods of time. The disagreements weren’t just bickering but wrestling matches on the couch and onto the floor. Then, there was the school issue. School was not going well for either one with suspensions and calls for mother to come to the principal’s office to discuss the behaviors of both the boy and the girl. And as if that was not enough, school issues were brought home to be rehashed with more meltdowns. The mom was beside herself after behavior plans and counseling seemed to have little effect.
The Emotion Code was used on both of them and both school and home relationships improved somewhat but could be better. After the third session, mom got a phone call from the school stating the 8 year old girl had an incident in school of medium severity. The principal just wanted the mom to know of the incident but was not implementing a suspension. Mom was braced for the worst waiting for this to ruin the hoped for peaceful evening time. Her daughter walked in the door saying, “Okay today was not a good day but I’m working on it.” She then proceeded to begin a board game with her brother. No arguing. Mom had braced herself but the explosion never came. That was the first time school drama did not become home drama. The home is not a serene tropical island, but the situation is much improved.
Cancel My Therapy, Please!
A close friend of mine has suffered emotionally from the effects of sexual abuse as a child by her mother’s boyfriend over 30 years. This has resulted in her making poor decisions as an adult and being used by people in her life. She is now on an upswing and graduated from college. Her present husband is a rock of support. She has been going weekly to a therapist for 12 years–same day–same time. After 9-10 Emotion Code sessions over a span of 7 months, she stated how much this has helped her. She is not only stronger emotionally but her family has noticed that she is calmer and less intense. The ups and downs seem to be gone. Tonight, she told me that she told her therapist, “I appreciate all the help you have been to me for 12 years, but my friend using Emotion Code has released so much from me that I really don’t have anything to talk about now.” The bad memories are no longer stirring up intense emotions and she doesn’t feel the need to talk about past events. The interesting thing is that her emotions were not the priority, her aches and pains were. I am very happy that she found something to make her life more enjoyable and more peaceful.
Mononucleosis Has Unknown Causes
Mono has long been a cause of funny looks, snickers and known as the “kissing disease.” However, it is no laughing matter. An associate was hospitalized for weeks with this illness and was so weak when released she was unable to work even part-time for weeks after her dismissal from the hospital. To make things worse, this was her 6th episode with Mononucleosis at age 38. Doctors stated that tests also showed issues with the bone marrow.
I offered The Emotion Code and she accepted. After each session she became surprisingly stronger and eventually returned to full-time work, her fitness routine and Yoga. This recovery was faster than the others. Eventually, she had her Heart Wall removed and I contacted her about how she felt. She said, “I feel so light on my feet, I don’t think I’m even touching the floor.” She had a very tumultuous childhood with many severe emotional scars and friendships were difficult. She is now in a serious positive relationship.
Gut Issues Resolved
A young teacher was very frustrated. She was in charge of a classroom of students and had embarrassing bloating, gas and diarrhea. She couldn’t leave students and run to the bathroom several times a day and asking another teacher to watch her students was not always possible. After two sessions this condition had greatly improved and after three sessions it was completely gone. A year later we spoke about this and these symptoms have not returned. The trapped emotions released were very strong: dread, horror, fear, panic, guilt, crying, rejection and bitterness. These trapped emotions were agitating her far beyond expectations.
Constipation Ended
A 42 year old woman that owns her own cleaning business complained about being severely constipated for years. She is very active cleaning homes but in spite of that, she suffers from chronic constipation. She’s tried drinking more water, pills, MO, and eating more vegetables. Constipation continues. She requested The Emotion Code and we did two sessions. Curiously, not one trapped emotion was located in the colon or small intestine! The locations were incidental like stomach and gall bladder. But the majority of ages that came up for the trapped emotions were from 21-27 and she was stunned. These were the most stressful and frightening years of her life. Some of the emotions that surfaced were shame, grief, despair, panic, rejection, terror and overwhelm. She had abuse from her family and other negative things happen to her. She remembers how she didn’t think she would survive these years. Amazingly, at the end of the sessions, her constipation seemed to end. We waited a week, then two, then three and the constipation did not return. Months later she continues to have no constipation. Could it be that all that stress and trapped emotion resulted in constipation?