Neck Pain is Gone
An 18-wheeler driver had a neck pain which kept him from full vision while driving. Now, I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only person on the road that wants semi drivers to have full range of motion and vision! After releasing only 7 trapped emotions, all pain was gone enabling him to look both ways easily. Simple treatment. This involved no doctor appointment (major issue with truck drivers) and no medication. Poof, pain is gone! Trapped emotions were causing the problem and when released, the problem was solved. The average person has 300 trapped emotion and we don’t realize how our lives can be enhanced when they are GONE!
Children and Divorce
Adults often think they are the only ones going through a divorce. Children will be okay, right? After all, they are just little kids and don’t understand. Unfortunately, children are gathering trapped emotions with every negative incident. These trapped emotions will continue to affect their lives in the future, emotionally and physically.
A young mom with two boys going through a divorce was very concerned about anxiety. Not only hers but both of her sons. While they are quite young, she saw changes in their behaviors — and not for the positive. They were not enjoying things, didn’t play well, and seemed quite worried about everything. She saw anxiety daily not only with her but with both the boys.
After 3-4 sessions of Emotion Code on all three of them, mom has seen a difference. The boys are laughing much more often, there is less anxiety, less conflict and she herself is happier. She stated that she is more clear headed and worries about the future much less. Thank you! The work will continue and we hope to see even better results.
If you are going through a divorce with children or without children, you may greatly benefit from Emotion Code.
Alcohol Damaged Brain Has Improved
We all have a loved one that just can’t seem to beat an alcohol addiction. A 55 year old man has been divorced twice, lost his jobs, but continues to drink. He has recently had such major health problems that his family had no other choice but to put him in an institution. He has been diagnosed with massive brain damage from the alcohol abuse. He doesn’t know where he is, can’t sleep, has anger rages, and nearly no memory. Doctors offered little to no hope for recovery.
After three sessions of Emotion Code targeting the brain, family has stated that his memory has doubled from his baseline data a few months ago. He is no longer angry all the time and seems to be more content and more accepting of his condition. We will continue to work on the brain.
Trapped Emotions were shock, betrayal, terror, overwhelm, shame, worthless, defensiveness, unsupported, grief, abandonment, heartache, creative insecurity, insecurity, crying, panic, overwhelm.
Doctors don’t think he will leave the institution but his life there has been greatly enhanced.
Update: 8-20-1019. This man is now living alone, has a job, playing guitar, making wise decisions, and has his life back.
Sciatica Pain Gone!
For two weeks, a friend had sciatica pain to the point she didn’t get out of bed. Her husband actually bought her a walker at a garage sale trying to be helpful. I located 7 trapped emotions in her right leg and released them. She didn’t tell me it was the right leg, her subconscious did. The pain is now 90% gone–almost instantly– so I will now try to release any other trapped emotions that could be causing the pain. What was released? Grief, age 37, stubbornness, 37, jealousy, 37, unworthy, 37, insecurity, 38, vulnerability, 37, betrayal, 37. What was happening at this age? A messy divorce. Is there any other kind? These trapped emotions are all now permanently gone. She will still remember the divorce but the emotional pain is now greatly reduced.
Four days later, I released overjoy and worthless at 39. The pain is now totally gone. Why wasn’t this released at the same time as the above trapped emotions? Sometimes there are limits. The subconscious may say, “Nope, this is not the time. Later is better.” They are now all removed.
Migraines Gone
My good friend has been suffering from migraines most of her life. I used Emotion Code on her and after two sessions, they were gone! She has not had a migraine for months. She has now begun to be a substitute teacher since she can count on being on track every morning. As I worked on her I found that she has had problems with her right hip and both of her knees. She was amazed since she had never complained about her hip or knees to me. This is my new goal to release emotions from her hip and knees.
Update: Jan. 15, 2019. Hip and knee pain are gone.
Sick from Stress
A parent never stops worrying about their children. Sometimes this worry can cause illness. A mom learned that her son was arrested for having drug paraphernalia in his car. Initially, she handled it quite well but then she found that she couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus during the day, was getting a headache on the right side–never has headaches, her nasal passages began to swell and she thought she was getting a cold–became a mouth breather. She also had a strange stiffness on the right side of her neck and diarrhea. She actually called in sick. After a week of these symptoms, she called an Emotion Code practitioner–me.
The following trapped emotions were released: heartache (as expected), forlorn–heart, depression–right side of brain, insecurity–intestines, sadness–nose, shame–right side of neck. Within one hour this mom began feeling better. Her nose began to run within minutes and the headache disappeared. The next morning she felt so much better and was able to sleep for the first time in many days. Now, her son still has charges and will suffer the consequences but she has become more able to cope with this situation. Get relief from the pains in life!
Sinus Infection Leaves Pet Kitty
I know what you are thinking. Seriously, a cat? Yes, pets have trapped emotions as well as humans. A friend of mine was concerned about her pet feline. She is 12 years old and seemed to have a sinus infection for a very long time. My friend just threw out a question: can you work on my cat’s sinus infection? I will try. I did release 10 trapped emotions. Some were helplessness, heartache, forlorn, betrayal, crying, and grief. Two days later, the sinus infection was gone! She couldn’t believe it! It actually makes sense if the trapped emotions were located in the head and were causing irritation. Irritation can cause drainage. Remove the irritation and the drainage stops. The trapped emotions are our stress and irritations.
I’m Getting Over My Chaotic Childhood
A 40 year old woman has a great mother. Unfortunately, she has a very disappointing father. The first few years of her childhood were quite happy. Then, two things happened. One: Her dad began drinking and gambling. Two: Her little brother was born three years later. The day her brother was born, her father had nothing to do with his daughter. He no longer held her, he didn’t want to hear what she had to say, and only took the brother places with him. She cried for daddy to hug her or take her to bed but that was not to happen. The parents eventually divorced and the severe violence began against her mother. Doors were broken down in drunken rampages, death threats were made, furniture was broken and she was not only totally ignored but now also lived in fear. She didn’t realize what a profound impact this would have on her in later life.
As an adult, she was starving for male attention and was not very selective where she got it. She was searching for love in all the wrong places. She was a very unhappy adult and did not keep this a secret from friends and family. Her mother had energy work done and her daughter noticed a difference. She asked for energy work, as well. The first change she noticed was her negative attitude seemed to decrease. Her life was no longer doom and gloom. There seemed to be a few rays of hope occasionally. Her mother stated that she heard laughing in the other room and ran to see who it was. It was her daughter. She had not heard her laugh for so long that she didn’t recognize the laugh. After four Emotion Code sessions, she is now happier, looking into healthy eating and trying to lose some weight. She’s looking forward to more sessions and a grandchild.
My Mean Little Sister!
I recently met a newly retired teacher who stated she has had lower back pain most of her adult life. I asked if she had been in a car accident. No, she had not. Any falls down stairs? No to that, as well. Did she have any old athletic injuries? No, to that also. So, I offered to work on her and in our conversation she mentioned that she was tormented by her younger sister. I asked her how she was tormented. She went on for about 30 minutes on how she couldn’t win at checkers or other games because she got accused of cheating and would get spanked. While she was sobbing in the bathroom into a towel, her sister stood outside the bathroom pointing and laughing at her. If something broke, the sister would run to mom and say big sister broke it and again the spanking and laughing. When her sister cut her own hair, she said her older sister did it. Halloween candy got stolen, again older sister took it. Whenever something got lost–you guessed it–older sister got blamed. So I wondered if this would show up in the energy work.
As I began to release emotions for the lower back, most of them fell between the ages of 7 through 12. As each trapped emotion was released, I asked if this is attached to her younger sister and the subconscious said yes. Out of the 12 trapped emotions released, 8 were attached to her younger sister. Some of the trapped emotions were: grief, crying, heartache, betrayal, frustration, insecurity. That seems to fit, right? Initially, this teacher couldn’t tell if the lower back pain was better or not because it usually occurred when she stood for a long time. However, after a few weeks she did tell me that the lower back pain was almost completely gone. As a bonus, she said when she had memories come back about her childhood, she no longer got upset about how she was treated by her younger sister. She still had the memory but without the painful emotions. These events happened over 50 years ago and she was still carrying the painful trapped emotions. To make it worse, they were causing health problems. She laughed and said that she had always referred to her little sister as “A Pain” but didn’t realize that there was a literal correlation!
A few weeks later I asked her if she and her sister were getting along. The answer was a strong, “NO.” Apparently, the energy work released trapped emotions but by choice the relationship was too damaged to be repaired at this point. The younger sister has spent a lifetime attacking the older sister and being unable to work for others, as well. Sometimes, we just walk away for self-protection.
Should I Give The Emotion Code a Chance?
Many people are skeptical of The Emotion Code. I, myself, was initially in the Skeptics Club. I left that Skeptics Club when I felt the results of The Emotion Code and it was very healing. I’ve heard many comments from individuals I’ve helped. “It can’t be that easy.” “How can this possibly work?” “How can I be better? I didn’t feel anything!” “But nothing has worked for me for 5 years.” “Doctors said there is no fix for this.” “But I’ve been in therapy for 20 years!” “What is the subconscious?” “Nothing helps PTSD.” “Every doctor I’ve been to said they couldn’t help me.” However, if you read my blogs, you may be very surprised to read what The Emotion Code has done for many individuals. Results vary greatly.
What do you have to lose? Well let’s see: anxiety, night terrors, depression, aches and pains, bad memories, headaches, and the list goes on and on. You may request a specific goal or you can let your subconscious prioritize for you. Quite often (almost all of the time) the subconscious can assess the situation better than the conscious mind. Trapped emotions disrupt the energy flow within your body like a large limb on the road that forces you into a detour. What if there was a tree every few miles? You would still get from A to B, but not efficiently. This would interrupt your “flow.” Releasing trapped emotions removes the blockages to improve your energy flow. And since we are all energy, releasing trapped emotions just makes sense. What do “you” have to lose? Probably a lot of things you didn’t want in the first place.