Update on Alcohol Damaged Brain
On November 28, 2018 I wrote about a client that has greatly improved in memory and behavior after being placed in an institution with a very damaged brain from alcoholism. His family came to visit him over the Christmas holidays and everyone was shocked by his behavior. He had been very ADHD, confused, forgetful and angry for so long. He sat down and talked with them and was very calm, polite and content. A family member stated, “We haven’t seen him this good in over 25 years!” Thank you, Emotion Code.
Jan. 16, 2019. More members of the family visited today and stated, “This is the best we have EVER seen him. He knows where he is, who we are, and calmly enjoys conversing with us.”
Feb. 3, 2019. This client continues to remember more each week and has surpassed doctor expectations. While out riding in a car, he knows how to get home! He still has many concerning symptoms that are likely permanent but the quality of life has greatly improved. Kidneys are of great concern since they are extremely low functioning.
Feb. 24, 2019 This client was diagnosed with very weak kidneys when admitted into the institution. The kidneys were not functioning properly and sodium absorption was very weak–very low. After several months of sodium tablets, there was no improvement. After two more sessions of Emotion Code, his kidney tests were “normal.” Thank you Emotion Code!
Feb. 26, 2019 The client’s sister stated today that yesterday she and her brother went shopping and had the greatest time. They were able to have fabulous conversations requiring deep thought and concentration that would not have been possible in the past. She wishes this miracle could have happened sooner in his life.
March 22, 2019 The client has been told that he is too healthy to remain in the institution and is being released! He is not emotionally ready to leave with the fear he may begin drinking again. He has asked for counseling. God Bless, Dr. Bradley Nelson.
Heart Wall Down Increases Optimism
Most people have a Heart Wall because most people have had traumatic or hurtful incidents. To protect ourselves from more pain, we build an invisible wall around us to protect us from future hurts. While the Heart Wall is protecting us, it is also disrupting the energy flow to and from us. Have you ever said something quite innocent and people react as if you had made a death threat? You asked yourself, “Was it something I said?” You are left totally confused. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone. The answer to that question is that it isn’t what you said but how people heard it. As words pass through the heart wall, both in and out, the energy of the words becomes distorted passing through the heart wall. People did not hear what you actually said.
How large can Heart Walls be? They are both tall and thick. I’ve measured Heart Walls over 450 feet tall and 360 feet wide. Some are 200 feet tall and 150 feet thick. How is a Heart Wall taken down? One trapped emotion at a time. The good news is that one trapped emotion does not reduce a Heart Wall by only one foot. Each trapped emotion released can drop a heart wall height and thickness by several feet. A typical session can drop a heart wall’s height and thickness by 25-30 feet.
Reaction to having a Heart Wall totally brought down can be unnoticeable or quite significant. Depression and anxiety can be stored in the Heart Wall in spite of depression and anxiety having been released in prior sessions. A client recently had her Heart Wall totally removed. She had already had very positive results from Emotion Code in past sessions. However when asked how she felt now, she responded, “I feel energized, peaceful, and happy.” A Heart Wall can be very beneficial when needed but you are probably better off without one once you have begun releasing trapped emotions.
A Tumor Is Surgically Removed but…
A client was complaining of a tumor on her back. Every time she reached high to get something from her kitchen cupboards, it would really bother her. She is right handed and this was on the right side. With Emotion Code the tumor went down about 20%. Still bothered so we worked again. It decreased to about 35-40% and I didn’t hear anything from the client for months. Her doctor insisted on surgery and it has now healed but there was still a sharp pinch or pulling in the same area when she reached for everything.
I released 10 more trapped emotions from the same location. Low and behold, the pinch and pulling is totally gone. Even after pushing on that area, there is no longer a pinch! Thank you Emotion Code!
Liver Transplant Now Approved
Can our childhood experiences have an effect on our adult health? Absolutely. Huge numbers of trapped emotions from ages 8 to 15 were experienced by a young man. His trauma at a young age is not doing him any favors.
Each traumatic experience can affect our health down the road. This man in his late 30s has been diagnosed with lung and liver disease. It is worse than that. Because his liver is not creating the “Alpha One” enzyme, his lungs are not functioning well, being dependent on the liver to create the Alpha One enzyme. Therefore, he has been denied a liver transplant because his lungs are not expected to sustain life in the near future. At this point, there was little hope. Without a liver transplant, his life expectancy has been “greatly” decreased.
When asked to work on him knowing he had liver and lung issues, I thought I would be told to work on his liver first. But, his subconscious said “no” and the lungs were the priority. After releasing over 70 trapped emotions from his lungs in four sessions, the liver has now become the priority. The doctors have stated a few days ago that his lungs are much better and he may proceed with the liver transplant! No answers from the doctors why this is suddenly the case but they only go by the evidence in tests. No explanation why the lungs are better without the liver function improving. This happened in two short weeks. Those two weeks happen to coincide with the 70 trapped emotions being released.
The liver is now the focus and we will see what the doctors decide to do. We are also waiting to see what more Emotion Code can do.
Update: Jan. 5, 2019. This client is now walking for exercise and lifting weights. In addition, when he walks into a room, he has a positive demeanor.
Update: Jan. 15, 2019. This client’s family has noticed a big difference in this man’s personality. More optimistic and happier. Work on his lungs and liver continues. Recently, the lungs were the priority.
Update: Feb. 24, 2019. Client continues to be physically improving. Trip to Mayo Clinic in March.
Drum Roll, please: Liver transplant has been cancelled because liver function is too high to qualify.
Antidepressant Withdrawal is Brutal
A middle aged man decided he wanted to go off an anti-depressant since he felt he was better. He had been on this medication for a very long time but had many trapped emotions released targeting depression and anxiety last year. Per doctor’s instructions, he gradually decreased his dose by 25% for two weeks, then another 25% for a few weeks. After a month, be began violently vomiting every hour on the hour or less. This went on for 3 days and on his way to the hospital, he asked for me to release trapped emotions. I released 17 of them immediately.
He arrived at the hospital without needing to vomit in spite of it being over an hour. Once in his room in ER, he again did not vomit. A while later doctors diagnosed him with severe dehydration. Still no vomiting. They then placed him on an anti-nausea drip along with hydration fluids. Still many hours later, he had not vomited. He stayed overnight and was released the next afternoon fully hydrated and no more nausea. 2 days later he is still functioning quite well.
No one truly knows what role releasing the trapped emotions played in stopping the nausea. I choose to believe that releasing the trapped emotions helped him.
When Do I Need Emotion Code?
Are you a candidate for The Emotion Code? Yes. Everyone is. Why? Life happens. We have sorrows, disappointments, arguments, accidents, abusive situations, illnesses, death of loved ones and all of these things take a toll on us. Our body keeps count. That traumatic experience you had at 22 can affect your emotional self and even health at 50. The subconscious files away everything that happens to us and sometimes the bag gets awfully full. We carry this baggage around with us and it makes things heavy for us from day to day. Maybe it is time to take out the “garbage!”
- Have you ever felt that life is falling apart around you? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Have you gotten upset with some memories coming back again and again? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Are you flooded with bad feelings and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do several people rub you the wrong way? Are your relationships strained? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you get very angry over little things and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do get overly emotional about insignificant things? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you have pain here and an ache there and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel like others are controlling your life? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel distracted and unable to focus on important things? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel there is a dark cloud following you and making you unhappy? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel trapped emotionally and it seems you can’t do anything right? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
Everything around us is energy including us. Trapped emotions distort the flow of energy through your body and you could be sending the wrong signals to people without realizing it. The average adult has well over 300 trapped emotions. What if you released more than half of those? What if you could feel happier and lighter? What if you could release anxiety, worry, anger, humiliation, guilt? Wouldn’t that improve your life? Take the opportunity to release these negative trapped emotions and heal. After all, these trapped emotions are doing you no favors. Get rid of the old baggage.
Can Trapped Emotions Prevent You From Getting Hired?
This is an interesting concept. Do your trapped emotions and your Heart Wall affect how people perceive you? Dr. Bradley Nelson says, “yes.”
A fabulous gentleman, and he is a “gentleman,” found himself out of work from downsizing. Knowing him very well, I thought someone would snatch him up quickly in the city within weeks. Time after time, he was the #2 choice and just couldn’t make the cut up to #1. This was such a puzzle for everyone that knew him since he was such a wonderful person and highly educated. After sending out over 120 applications, still nothing! We released some trapped emotions in three sessions not knowing if anything would happen. It is never a waste of time to release trapped emotions–anytime–anywhere.
After unemployment ran out, things became desperate but he not only got one job offer but two. Was this coincidence or did Emotion Code make a difference? No one will probably know but he now has income and is very grateful. A Heart Wall distorts what you say. You may say something as mild as a lamb but what people hear may be quite different. It is good to tear down a Heart Wall. It served you well during bad times in protecting you but it is now not needed. Not to worry, if bad times come again, you will build a new Heart Wall to protect yourself.
Sadness Fading Quickly
I have known a very successful business woman for a very long time–probably over 30 years. She always has a big smile on her face, very friendly and caring, beautiful hair, very well dressed in the latest fashion. Okay, I’ll just say it–she is beautiful. One would assume that she has had an easy and perfect life. Apparently, this is not the case. I was extremely surprised to learn that she was a target of domestic abuse and had depression her entire adult life. She was fighting a battle every day to cope with her sadness. Some people put on a very good act while hiding their internal pain. The trapped emotions she had absorbed during her abused years were causing the depression.
After 4 sessions of The Emotion Code and releasing 39 trapped emotions, she let me know that she has felt a big difference. Instead of fake smiles and laughter, she is genuinely smiling and laughing. She is much happier and enjoying each moment with people and by herself instead of being down about life. She has definitely noticed something is different and significantly for the better. We will have a few more sessions because life could be even better for her. If you have spent most of your life at a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 and now you are at a 7, you feel great. Why not try for 10?
4-16-19 Feels much less stressed and refrains saying things she will regret. More focused. And, her Heart Wall is nearly down.
If you have situational depression, don’t hesitate to release your pain from the past through Emotion Code. Go to Contact Me and we’ll visit about how Emotion Code may help you. Practitioner Barb
Update of Fatty Liver Success
On February 24, 2018, I wrote a piece on someone awaiting a liver transplant in a very weak physical condition. She collapsed, was rushed to the hospital and put on dialysis for weeks. Over a period of 6-7 months I slowly released 100 trapped emotions and her condition improved to the point that she no longer qualified for a transplant. She doesn’t meet the medical criteria to be on the active transplant list and was moved to the passive list in case her condition deteriorated.
Update on Dec. 23, 2018: I continued to work on the trapped emotions in her liver occasionally for the next 9 months. Her health continues to be stable and I have finally released the FINAL trapped emotion. How many were released? It was more than 205, perhaps 207. These were not released from her entire body but only from her “liver.” She is a non-drinker of alcohol. When so many trapped emotions are clustered in one area, this is called “nesting.” A typical human body may have 300+ trapped emotions as an adult. No wonder her liver was not well if over 200 trapped emotions were just in her liver! (For the full story, scroll to Feb. 24, 2018.)
Update: 6-13-19 Client is stable and does not need to return to hematologist unless she detects problems. Thank you Emotion Code!
No Pain after 25 years!
Imagine living with pain in several locations for 25 years. Horrible, right? But after many sessions with Practitioner Barb (nearly 200 trapped emotions were released), there is no pain today. No pain as of this morning! No migraines, no asthma, no knee pain, no sciatica, no heartburn, no hip pain, no stomach pain, no back pain. And, this fine lady didn’t have to schedule an appointment, be on the phone, or meet personally. She scheduled an email appointment, Practitioner Barb worked on her through Emotion Code and emailed her the results of her work. It couldn’t be easier. There are so many ways that we can help the world become a better place without toxic choices.