Back Pain is Sooo Much Better!!
C. had battled back pain for over 10 years. She received little to no relief from many sources. On a scale of 1 to 10, she seemed to be stuck at an 8, 24/7. What about trying alternatives like Reiki, Reflexology, Accupuncture? She stated, “Honey, I’ve tried it all!” It was difficult to go up and down a few steps without assistance if there was no railing. Session One had a tingling effect but no real relief. Session Two had no relief. Session Three produced some long-awaited improvements. Her pain was now around 6. In fact, C. was SO happy after her third session that she cancelled appointment #4 and wants to wait and see how much better it will be!! That’s the best news I can hear as a practitioner! It is obvious that trapped emotions were a large part of her back pain. Thank you, Emotion Code!
Update!! C. has decided to become an Emotion Code practitioner!
Two Toddlers Greatly Improved after Emotion Code
Divorce can be very damaging for small children. Their peace and comfort is being disrupted and they show adults their pain in many negative ways.
Two little boys were going through a very tough time when parents separated. Their behaviors were almost bizarre. After two sessions with Emotion Code, they are behaving like they were before the separation. They are acting more like typical 3 and 5 year olds! Emotion Code can be very powerful for small children.
Peace After a Great Emotion Code Session!
How much is it worth to feel happier and lighter? A client recently had her first session after investigating Dr. Nelson’s energy work. What was released was merely what the subconscious wanted released that day. A few days later, this comment appeared.
“The hours following our session, I did indeed feel lighter as you said might be a fun “side-effect” of the work. Pretty sure I slept deeper than I have in a while, and felt an overall sense of peacefulness and calm. That sure felt good!” These can be the effects of Emotion Code for many people.
Lungs and Liver Improved!
In November of 2018, a 38 year old man suffered in a Mayo Clinic hospital bed. He received the bad news that he needed a liver transplant but was not eligible because of the poor condition of his lungs. His lungs could not sustain life in the future and transplant was denied.
Luckily, Emotion Code began releasing trapped emotions from both the liver and lungs. By the end of March 2019, the liver scored a “9”, transplant criteria is 13, and a liver transplant was no longer necessary. And, the lungs were also greatly improved and now able to sustain life. Trapped Emotions were literally killing him. Unfortunately, when his boss heard he needed a transplant, he fired him and fought him getting unemployment!
Today, this gentleman is beginning a new full-time job, has a significant other and is getting on with life. Thank you, Emotion Code.
Knee Pain is Gone
A young dad of three began having problems with his knee, just one of them. After two sessions of Emotion Code, it was gone. No ultrasound, no wraps, no physical therapy, no pills. Thank you Emotion Code!
Seeing Things More Clearly In Life
Trapped emotions, especially those in the Heart Wall, can “pull the wool over our eyes.” We may not be seeing things clearly because something is blocking our view. And, the past memories can prevent us from moving forward in our lives. We are unable to see opportunities before us and remain stuck.
After a few sessions of Emotion Code, I asked a client if she saw any changes. Her response was, “I do see changes. The releasing has allowed me to grow and see things more clearly so thank you so much! I am still continuing to work on growing. It shall be interesting and exciting to see what happens from the next session. Thank you.”
Neck is Getting Much Better
Many women have suffered from domestic abuse. I was one of them. Later in life, there are many issues with neck and back pain. From forceful blows, often to the head, the spine is injured. Specifically the cervical vertebrae in the neck area: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7. The damage shows up on X-rays in the form of arthritis in the spots that had the most injury.
A friend is going through this same situation. 20 years after the abuse only because she left, she has arthritis in C1-C4 and the pain brings her to tears. She received 2 epidurals and the relief was minimal with tears of pain continuing. She has had to leave work because of the pain several times even with the epidurals. Emotion Code addressed her C1 and C2 and she has relief. 18 trapped emotions were released from C1 and 16 from C2. She can not believe the difference in her neck! We plan on working on C3 and C4 in the near future. Emotion Code is such a blessing to everyone.
Going Off Asthma Medication
K.T. has battled asthma all her life. It greatly limited her activity. As a result, she has gained weight, over 100 pounds. This has led to depression, inability to cope in a stressful workplace, a divorce, loss of a job, more depression and more asthma issues. Her weak self-esteem took an even bigger hit because of this downward spiral. After 7 sessions of Emotion Code focusing mostly on her lungs, she is better. Depression was the dominant trapped emotion released and the predominant location was the lungs.
The sessions ceased and we reconnected this week after nearly a year. Over the past year since her lungs are significantly better, she has begun walking and lost 100 pounds. Her doctor is now taking her off steroids for her lung condition! Her depression is much, much less and she is now pursuing a career as an artist and is successfully selling her paintings. Her life has taken a 180 degree turn in 17 months. Another testament to the wonders of Emotion Code and Body Code.
Pressure on the Heart Decreased
A younger adult called to ask for energy work. For two days he has been feeling great pressure around his heart. It is a tightness that greatly concerned him. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was at an 8. After asking his subconscious for the root cause of this problem, it went directly to the heart. We released “20” trapped emotions from the heart area. After the session was over, he stated it had decreased to a “3”. He was likely suffering from heartache that had built up over the years. He is still going to go to a doctor to check things out but he’s greatly relieved.
Update: That evening, he was resting comfortably. Symptoms remain gone.
Better! Thank you so much!
Feeling so much better!! A client was recently so happy after our last session. She stated that this is the best she has felt for over 10 years!! Thank you, Dr. Nelson!