Two Year Old is Sleeping
The east coast storms have forced a family member to live with us while things are being cleaned up. The little two year old was having trouble sleeping, especially around 2:00-3:00 a.m. She would thrash around, moan, and cry out. This was happening nearly every evening. We reached out to a Body Code practitioner and after one session she is sleeping through the night. It seems she was missing her home and not in her familiar surroundings. Problem solved!
Pain Greatly Reduced
In 2022 when I called for Body Code, I was in horrible pain. Going up the stairs were the worst thing of my day. Moving across the room was a major event. Just getting into a standing position to begin walking was a major event. I had a bag with me at all times to place items within to return to my chair. Pain medications had horrible side-effects and I didn’t think think they were helping me.
This weekend, my husband and I were rearranging our living room furniture and deep cleaning it. It had been so many years since this had been done!! When I saw the dust is when I realized how much better I was. It hit me that I was now able to do things like I had in the past! The only symptoms I have now are a few joint aches but NOTHING like before. Body Code has changed my life.
Trauma During Birth
When I was about to have my first baby, I was concerned about my safety, the safety of the baby, having everything just right in the nursery, etc. Not one moment was spent wondering if the baby was going through an emotional trauma as it was being born.
Everything went well but now that the baby is 6 months old–she seems to be afraid to sleep. She fights sleep and after she falls asleep, she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. It seemed like she was having nightmares and we wondered what a happy 6 month old would have for nightmares! We took her to a chiropractor to make sure her spine was in alignment, and it needed some adjusting. But, this didn’t seem to help much with the sleeping.
We tried Body Code and what was discovered was that this little one was feeling terror, panic, horror during the birth process. Multiple energies and even Despair Anchors of “I can’t do this.” We had two Body Code sessions and did see an improvement. We had no idea the birth process could have a negative effect on our child!
No More Debbie Downer
My entire life I’ve wondered why other people are so happy. You know–always smiling and laughing. They would get excited over the smallest things like a flock of geese flying by or a beautiful sunset. I didn’t get it. I saw myself as the Charlie Brown character that has the dark cloud over him everywhere he goes. I identified with this character plodding along and looking down.
Then, I had several sessions of Body Code. What was released made perfect sense!! That was me–the part of me that I didn’t want to be part of me. It was exactly how I have always felt being released, one negative energy after another negative energy. I learned that so much of this negativity was inherited!! Who knew it could be so easy? It is such a joy to take out the garbage!!
Back Pain Disappeared
The real estate business is very stressful in good times and it is especially stressful now. My back pain was so serious that I went to doctors to see if there was need for surgery. They couldn’t seem to find the reason why I was in so much pain. I could not find relief in sitting down. I only found relief in lying down on a soft surface. Well, you can’t sell houses reclining!!! I had thought about quitting completely because it may not be worth it. A friend recommended Body Code and I had nothing to lose but pain, right? I could not believe what was happening during the second session. The pain was melting away with each release. I felt warm and there was some tingling but it just left! Now, I have other aches and pains to work on because everything is an issue. I’m so hopeful!!
Pain Kept Me from Working
Over the past few years, my pain got worse and worse. It was everywhere–hips, legs, knees, feet, back. The job I loved involved stairs and it was just so painful for me that I cut back to 1/2 of one day a week. Going to bed required stairs and I had to crawl up the stairs with tears streaming from the pain. I’m here to tell you that the majority of the pain is now gone and I’ve gone back to work full-time. It took several sessions and I was surprised to learn what was released but I am so happy. This is like a miracle.
Stopped Vaping!
I have battled addictive behaviors for many years and even back in high school. While I was proud of quitting marijuana, I switched to cigarettes. I quit smoking cigarettes and began vaping. I’m proud to announce that I am no longer vaping!!! I quit! One morning I woke up and said, “No more. I’m done!” I know the many sessions of Body Code have helped me. I felt a little bit better after each session. Body Code has also helped me with the depression, anxiety, and back pain. Body Code has changed my life for the better and don’t even want to think where I was headed if I had not given it a chance.
Abusive Relationship Ended
I had been in an abusive relationship for several years. We were engaged to be married but my friend suggested Body Code before we tied the knot. She didn’t think this was the best thing for me. I’ve had several sessions with Body Code and suddenly realized that I was the bread winner in this relationship. It was my house, I paid the bills and he needed me and not the other way around. We had many counseling sessions about his abusive behavior toward me but nothing seemed to help. I finally found the courage to say, “You need to change or you have to leave.” He laughed. He’s no longer here.
Behaviors Improve for Our 4 Year Old
We were beside ourselves with our 4 year old. He was being very cruel to his younger brother. He was calling him names, knocking him over as he was trying to walk, take toys away, yell about any correction, and we didn’t know what to do. We tried positive reinforcement when he was nice and he would just turn around and be mean. We tried putting him in his room and he would scream. We tried taking things away from him and he screamed even louder.
At our wits end, we tried Body Code. 2 sessions later he is very loving and affectionate to his little brother and to us. Trapped energies were the issue!
Knee Pain Disappears
For several weeks, my left knee was giving me problems. It was gradual at first and then it intensified. By the time I had gone to the airport, it was quite painful. My Body Code session seemed to target the pain. During the session, I felt my pain decrease and it continued to decrease until the session was finished. The pain is now gone.