Two Emotion Code Options
There are two methods that trapped emotions can be released from you: in person, over the phone by proxy, and by remote with results sent by email. Both are equally effective; however, I no longer offer sessions in person. Sessions are either by telephone or remote.
The remote method is the most flexible. The practitioner is contacted and the request is made. The practitioner then does the energy work and emails the results to the client–usually within 48 hours. This allows the practitioner to juggle many clients without driving and without being locked into a certain time slot.
How Can Someone Work on Me Across the State or Country?
Ah, that is where proxy comes into the picture. By muscle testing, the practitioner acts on behalf of another person. The practitioner then makes an energetic connection with the client within their energy field but only with their permission. This connection can be made across town or across the world. Once connected, the practitioner gets information on which emotions are the priority to clear and also release them. This can be done in person, over the phone or through email. The trapped emotion is released no matter which method is used. When the session is over, the connection is disconnected just like a telephone.
How Many Sessions Will It Take?
Each situation is different. If it is a small issue, it may be resolved in one session but this is very unlikely. If there are multiple issues or a more serious one, it may take many more. I tell clients that 5 is a good number to begin. To take down a Heart Wall can take 3-5 sessions depending on the wall and the emotions within it. In addition to that, each person can tolerate various amounts of trapped emotions being released. One person may be able to have 25 trapped emotions released in one session, another 16, and yet another only 8. More is not necessarily better. The body then needs to process the removal of trapped emotions. New energy enters the vacuum the released emotion left. Some people may need 6 hours to process and others 4 or 12 days. At the end of the session, you will be told how much time is needed to process and then decide if/when you wish to make another appointment.
What is the fee?
A phone session, email session, or a pet session are all the same: $55 for 30 minutes or until done which may be over 50 minutes. Yes, we work on pets,too!
What can cause a Trapped Emotion?
Trapped emotions just happen. We don’t do anything wrong to cause them. “Three things happen when we experience an emotion. First, our body generates the emotional vibration. Second, we begin to feel the emotions and any thoughts or physical sensations that come along with it. Third, we choose to let the emotion go and we move on in a few seconds or minutes. If either the second or third step is interrupted, the emotional experience is incomplete and the energy of the emotion is likely to become trapped in the body.” The Emotion Code, p. 6, Dr. Bradley Nelson.
Some emotional life experiences can cause emotions to be trapped.
- loss of a loved one
- divorce or relationship problems
- financial hardship
- home or work stress
- miscarriage or abortion
- physical trauma
- physical or emotional combat
- physical, mental, verbal or sexual abuse
- negative self-talk
- negative beliefs about yourself or others
- long term stress
- bullying/harassment
- rejection
- betrayal
- lack of support/love as a child
- physical illness (cancer, heart attack, near death experience, severe asthma)
- feelings of inferiority
- internalization of feelings
- neglect or abandonment
What problems can trapped emotions cause?
Trapped emotions not only spin and irritate tissue but they can nest. Nesting is when several trapped emotions cluster in one space. The more the trapped emotions in a space, the more irritation there is. Having multiple trapped emotions in a stomach could result in an ulcer. Having a nest of trapped emotions in the heart could produce heart problems or even breast cancer. A cluster of trapped emotions in the lungs could result in asthma or make existing asthma more severe. Imagine taking a hairbrush to your arm every 15 seconds. Eventually, you will have an irritated arm and even develop an infection. The goal is to stop the irritation at the source.
Dr. Bradley Nelson states that to some degree, trapped emotions can cause: acid reflux, ADD/ADHD, allergies, abdominal pain, asthma, cancer, carpal tunnel, chest pain, chronic fatigue, Chron’s Disease, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, dyslexia, fibromyalgia, headaches, heartburn, hip pain, hypoglycemia, infertility, insomnia, irritable bowel (IBS), joint pain, knee pain, learning disabilities, lupus, migraines, night terrors, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD, sinus problems, vertigo, and more. The Emotion Code is not a cure-all and should not be the main course of action with a serious illness but if trapped emotions are allowed to irritate tissue in large numbers for a long length of time, illnesses may occur. The Emotion Code may decrease the severity of many maladies.
Please read my Blog entries which give real world experiences my clients have had with The Emotion Code. Because everyone is different, these results may not be your results. But, who knows? They could be even better.
Nothing on our website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional immediately.