Sadness After a Difficult Life

A very successful woman expressed concern that she had been to a doctor for depression medication.  I was stunned.  After releasing 65 trapped emotions, she is feeling much better.   Is it the medication along with trapped emotions?  Maybe but we may never know.

She has since that time shared that her parents divorced when she was only four years old.  Because of a car accident, she was diagnosed with TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury.  With two small babies under the age of 5, she went through a divorce, suffers from anxiety, second spouse committed suicide.  Of course, she has many trapped emotions and they were bringing her down!

When asked how she is now feeling, she said, “I feel more at peace, more optimistic and I have more of an appetite.”  She is really excited about having more peace and optimism but not sure about having a better appetite.

3-4-19 After having over half of her very tall and thick Heart Wall released–over 230 trapped emotions, she has decided to file for divorce. She doesn’t know why she didn’t do it sooner. Perhaps, her Heart Wall was distorting her vision? And, the depression is subsiding.

3-25-29 Client is feeling more focused, more confident, and less fearful.
4-14-19 Client is less anxious and not as stressed and can refrain from saying things that she’ll regret. She is eager to see how she approaches life with a less guarded heart.