Night Terrors Gone
A 13 year old girl has struggled with night terrors her entire life. Sleep overs are very unsuccessful and mom doesn’t even go to bed–she waits on the couch for the phone call that her daughter has to come home, again. She was extremely premature (69 days in NICU) when born and mom suspects the hospitalization experience and lack of bonding may have had an effect on her emotionally. They have gone to counselors, Reiki practioners, practitioners that did energy work but not the Dr. Bradley Nelson method and tried other alternative measures. Nothing seemed to improve the extreme night terrors and she even struggled sleeping in her own bed alone. In the morning, they would find her sleeping on the floor in their bedroom. These night terrors were not mere nightmares but terrifying experiences that no one could console. After 2-3 Emotion Code sessions, mom announced that she had her first successful sleep over in her life! Her Heart Wall was released soon after this to help reestablish her middle school relationships with peers.