When Do I Need Emotion Code?
Are you a candidate for The Emotion Code? Yes. Everyone is. Why? Life happens. We have sorrows, disappointments, arguments, accidents, abusive situations, illnesses, death of loved ones and all of these things take a toll on us. Our body keeps count. That traumatic experience you had at 22 can affect your emotional self and even health at 50. The subconscious files away everything that happens to us and sometimes the bag gets awfully full. We carry this baggage around with us and it makes things heavy for us from day to day. Maybe it is time to take out the “garbage!”
- Have you ever felt that life is falling apart around you? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Have you gotten upset with some memories coming back again and again? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Are you flooded with bad feelings and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do several people rub you the wrong way? Are your relationships strained? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you get very angry over little things and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do get overly emotional about insignificant things? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you have pain here and an ache there and don’t know why? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel like others are controlling your life? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel distracted and unable to focus on important things? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel there is a dark cloud following you and making you unhappy? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
- Do you feel trapped emotionally and it seems you can’t do anything right? You would benefit from releasing trapped emotions.
Everything around us is energy including us. Trapped emotions distort the flow of energy through your body and you could be sending the wrong signals to people without realizing it. The average adult has well over 300 trapped emotions. What if you released more than half of those? What if you could feel happier and lighter? What if you could release anxiety, worry, anger, humiliation, guilt? Wouldn’t that improve your life? Take the opportunity to release these negative trapped emotions and heal. After all, these trapped emotions are doing you no favors. Get rid of the old baggage.