Should I Give The Emotion Code a Chance?

Many people are skeptical of The Emotion Code.  I, myself, was initially in the Skeptics Club.  I left that Skeptics Club when I felt the results of The Emotion Code and it was very healing.  I’ve heard many comments from individuals I’ve helped.  “It can’t be that easy.”  “How can this possibly work?”  “How can I be better?  I didn’t feel anything!”  “But nothing has worked for me for 5 years.”  “Doctors said there is no fix for this.”  “But I’ve been in therapy for 20 years!”  “What is the subconscious?”  “Nothing helps PTSD.”  “Every doctor I’ve been to said they couldn’t help me.”  However, if you read my blogs, you may be very surprised to read what The Emotion Code has done for many individuals.  Results vary greatly.

What do you have to lose?  Well let’s see:  anxiety, night terrors, depression, aches and pains, bad memories, headaches, and the list goes on and on.  You may request a specific goal or you can let your subconscious prioritize for you.  Quite often (almost all of the time) the subconscious can assess the situation better than the conscious mind.  Trapped emotions disrupt the energy flow within your body like a large limb on the road that forces you into a detour.  What if there was a tree every few miles?  You would still get from A to B, but not efficiently.  This would interrupt your “flow.” Releasing trapped emotions removes the blockages to improve your energy flow.  And since we are all energy, releasing trapped emotions just makes sense.  What do “you” have to lose?  Probably a lot of things you didn’t want in the first place.