I’m a World Class Worrier!
A teacher had given herself the nickname of World Class Worrier. She would wake up in the morning and her first thoughts were what might happen today at school. Of course, her mind would instantly go to past negative experiences to validate her thinking. Her mind was soon telling herself that today would be one bad experience after another. What made it worse was that she still had emotions attached to past memories. So, by the time she even left for school, she was not only concerned but anxious and upset before she got into the parking lot. What was happening was that her trapped emotions were active 24/7 and recycling past events in her mind. Trapped emotions keep past emotions running at full throttle so in a split second you may re-experience them again and again. Who needs that? No one.
After just one session releasing 13 trapped emotions, she saw a significant change. Her worrying has been significantly reduced. What is even better is that when she does remember an event, the emotions doesn’t seem to be there. She can remember something without getting upset. The Emotion Code doesn’t eliminate memories, it merely removes the strong emotions that went with that experience. She finds herself being more serene through the day.