I’m Working on It!

Two adopted siblings, ages 6 and 8, were having a difficult time getting along.  They had been in several foster homes for short periods of time.  The disagreements weren’t just bickering but wrestling matches on the couch and onto the floor.  Then, there was the school issue.  School was not going well for either one with suspensions and calls for mother to come to the principal’s office to discuss the behaviors of both the boy and the girl.  And as if that was not enough, school issues were brought home to be rehashed with more meltdowns.  The mom was beside herself after behavior plans and counseling seemed to have little effect.

The Emotion Code was used on both of them and both school and home relationships improved somewhat but could be better.  After the third session, mom got a phone call from the school stating the 8 year old girl had an incident in school of medium severity.  The principal just wanted the mom to know of the incident but was not implementing a suspension.  Mom was braced for the worst waiting for this to ruin the hoped for peaceful evening time.  Her daughter walked in the door saying, “Okay today was not a good day but I’m working on it.”  She then proceeded to begin a board game with her brother.  No arguing.  Mom had braced herself but the explosion never came.  That was the first time school drama did not become home drama.  The home is not a serene tropical island, but the situation is much improved.