Headaches from Bullying

S. is a 16 year old girl that suffers from massive headaches. In spite of being an attractive and successful high school student, she seems to be the target of bullying in her high school. This bullying is now in the 3rd year (she’s not the only one) and the school counselor seems to be in denial it is even going on. Daily, S. comes home with a massive head ache and takes a medication for it. She cries at home and is not sleeping well. Family was very concerned for the past two years.

Mom decided to have Body Code sessions for S. and in just 3 sessions, the headaches have vanished. Mom has stated that she has her daughter back!! She comes home from school without a headache and happy. The bullying, unfortunately, is still going on but the coping skills seem to be improving for S. She had another session done because she was feeling a little stress coming back. The family was beyond concerned with what to do and now the issue seems to have been resolved.