Hip Pain Gone 80% ?
A 58 year old friend of mine has a very active job in a church. She is on her feet quite a bit of the day. I noticed she was limping and she said that doctors are monitoring and stated she doesn’t qualify for a hip replacement. The pain is not corroborated by the X-Rays. The pain did not go away well with Advil or other medication. It seemed she had no options. I did energy work on her hip pain. I was disappointed to hear that she felt no difference the next day. I waited another day and did energy work again. By the third day she stated that when she got up in the morning it was better but through the day, the pain returned. On the fourth day the pain was significantly reduced. At the end of the week, it seemed to be about 80% gone. During the sessions, I released many trapped emotions from the age of 42-45. She said, “Those were not good years at all. So much stress for our family.” Stressful times can result in trapped emotions.
About 5 months later we talked and I asked how her hip was. She said, “What about it?” I said, “The hip pain. How bad is it?” Her response was, “Hip pain? I don’t have any hip pain!” Unfortunately, other individuals have not fared this well with hip pain but this one did.