Our Subconscious Knows Everything

D. is in her mid-40s and asked for a Body Code session because she was curious. Her aunts had successful sessions and she wanted to see what showed up for her. D. said nothing but asked to see what the subconscious would find.

The first thing to show up was age 16 with lots of heartache, grief, depression, panic, and crying. After about 15 min. of work, D. said, “Oh, my gosh! That is when my brother committed suicide.” The path then went to the pelvis, precisely the Ischium bone, the bone we sit on. Age 14 had a long list of trapped emotions that were released. D. stated, “This is when I was thrown off a horse and fell on my behind. My back has bothered me since that time! That was over 25 years ago!”

D. was stunned that Body Code was so specific and accurate. Our subconscious knows everything and Body Code is the conduit that heals the past.