Gallbladder Improves Greatly!

P. has a family history of gallbladder issues but very few family members actually have surgery and she has personally never had a problem. However, after her critical illness four years ago with a close brush with death, her gallbladder has been bothering her a bit. Once every 2-3 months, she has that “pain” on her right. Since it goes away, she ignores it…until today. Today, it felt like it could be a more serious problem causing her to go to a clinic and being more than likely exposed to Corona virus. So, she muscle tested and asked if it was her stomach…no. Is it her liver?…no. Is it her gallbladder?…yes.

P. asked for a Body Code session and, yes, it was her gallbladder that was the focus. She called when the pain did not allow her to bend over or twist. Even sitting she was now in pain and it felt like someone was squeezing her gallbladder to inflict pain. Even if she didn’t move, it seemed to be agitated and pulsing. Practitioner asked if there were trapped emotions that needed to be released from the gallbladder…yes! In fact, there were 15.

The first thing to show up was Will to Die, age 65. That is exactly when she was in intensive care with a very small chance of survival. In fact, her medical records include “patient not likely to survive.” The next issue to show up was inflammation of the gallbladder. However, they were all ages 65 and 66, her hospitalization and recovery. Depression, frustration and crying were the predominant emotions. After 15 emotions were released, she noticed that her gallbladder was not nearly as painful. What showed up next was shocking: 6 Will to Die and 4 No Will to Live. She said this makes total sense, “While sedated, the doctor asked me if I wanted to be brought back and I said, “no.” Suddenly, all pain was gone from the gallbladder. 8 hours later the pain is still completely gone. Body Code does truly heal the past.