“I Didn’t Have Carpal Tunnel!”
R. is a middle aged woman who works on a computer all day for a large banking corporation. Actually, she said nothing before the work began–just wanted a session. As we began working, the subconscious went to the wrist and the 8 small bones. When the pain was decreasing, she mentioned that her wrist was killing her. She was sure she would need carpal tunnel surgery from repetitive motions on the computer. Several trapped emotions were released from each small bone–one of them had 18 trapped emotions released. By the end of the session, the pain was 80% gone. “I didn’t have carpal tunnel, I had trapped emotions!” What was even more interesting was that the trapped emotions released went back to ages 11-16. None were from her current timeline or her present work on the computer. Body Code is truly all about healing the past.