Nightmares Became a Pleasant Dream
“Over twenty years ago, I was in a difficult job with several less than stellar supervisors. I felt I was doing a very good job for them but nothing ever got approval. I finally left to take a different position and on my last day no one acknowledged me leaving. It was just like another day. Didn’t hear, “We will miss you,” or “I’ve enjoyed working with you.” No card, no balloon…nothing. Over the past 20 years I’ve been having recurring nightmares of this day except things were worse than in reality. In the nightmare, the individuals were more mean-spirited and cruel.
After several sessions of Body Code and the release of many psychic traumas during these years, I had a wonderful dream. It was my last day of work again except there was a Farewell Party. There were balloons, a cake, warm parting words, expressions of appreciation. I couldn’t believe it!! The trapped emotions that were giving me these nightmares are gone!!”