Acid-Reflux Disappears

A retired nurse has battled acid-reflux most of her life. She tried over the counter remedies, natural remedies and prescription drugs. Nothing seemed to work well. Every day it was a matter of how much the problem was reduced but never went away completely. This issue was addressed during a Body Code session. What surfaced in the session was her stomach sphincters. These are muscles at the top and bottom of the stomach to prevent back ups. Her Cardiac Sphincter at the top of the stomach seemed to be out of alignment. When this occurs, food can “back up” with stomach acids and cause heartburn. Five psychic traumas were released going back to ages 14 and 15 and we moved on to other issues.

At our session the following week, she stated, “I’ve had NO acid-reflux all week and have taken nothing for it! Even when I lie down to sleep, nothing is there! I think it is gone!” Trapped Emotions may cause many irritations, aches and pains. Body Code releases them.