Neck is Much More Flexible!
W. has suffered with back problems to the point that she had a fusion of the C-4, C-5, C-6, and C-7. She thought the pain would be gone after the surgery. However, the C-1, C-2 and C-3 now have a painful tightness and she has very little range of motion. She has also noticed that thoracic vertebrae below the fusion are also beginning to feel the same way. During the session, a large number of trapped emotions were released from C-1, C-2, C-3 along with other trapped energies. The next day she had significantly improved range of motion and said the entire area seemed much more relaxed and the tightness is nearly gone. Prior to the session, this practitioner did not know of the fusion surgery or which vertebrae were causing problems. But, the subconscious knows everything and quickly targeted this area for relief. Emotion Code and Body Code release negative energies.