PTSD is Fading Away
R. had a very violent childhood. He seemed to have miraculously survived and then something happened. He was deployed to the Middle East and came home with severe PTSD. He didn’t communicate with people, stayed home, and seemed stressed out over little things. His social life was zero. “Just leave me alone!”
R. agreed to allow a few sessions of Body Code. He could not even believe what happened. His panic attacks seems to be fewer and milder. He also began to talk with people and occasionally left the house to go to a movie. He has also become involved in a therapy horse ranch for people wanting to overcome anxiety. Result? He is now very social. In fact, he has recently taken a road trip with several friends and having a great time. This would have never been possible a year ago.
The interesting thing about this success story is that not one trapped emotion or trauma were released from his deployment ages. Everything was from childhood. The deployment was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. Give Body Code a chance.