Happier Marriage with Emotion Code

A couple came to me saying that they love each other but there seems to be a disconnect in the marriage. It doesn’t seem like they understand what the other is actually saying. The words spoken seem to cause hurt feelings when the words are not intended to hurt! What is wrong? As we built a Heart Wall around our heart to protect us, it makes it more difficult to communicate clearly.

After 5 sessions, the difference was very noticeable. What happened during those sessions? Childhood trapped emotions were released and the Heart Wall was taken down. The trapped emotions in the Heart Wall were from the past and were no longer needed as protection from the present. However, the Heart Wall was causing distortions in communications. Once the Heart Wall was down, communication greatly improved. Before the Heart Wall was removed, the conversations went like this.

She says, “Can you get the mail?” He hears, “I’m sick of always getting the mail!”

He says, “You look nice with your hair down.” She hears, “I don’t like your hair in a pony tail.”

She says, “Do you want me to call the plumber?” He hears, “I’ll call the plumber because you will never get it done.”

He says, “Let’s go out for supper!” She hears, “You aren’t a good cook.”

Taking down a Heart Wall makes a significant difference in communication. Once the trapped emotions are released from the Heart Wall causing distortions, we hear more clearly. Emotion Code improves communication.