Relationships Improve with Emotion Code

R. had a brutally punitive father growing up. His home was not a place he came to for safety and he learned to be by himself. He could trust himself. He became an island and didn’t interact with people. “I was present only.”

R. was deployed to the Middle East and returned home only to find socialization got even worse. Now, even being around people as an island was difficult so he stayed away from people even more, if that was possible. Eventually, he was diagnosed with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

After being urged by a friend to try Emotion Code, he noticed a difference rather quickly. He has become much more social and, in fact, now seeks out people for socialization. He actually enjoys it! It is interesting to note that what was released from R. were NOT trapped emotions from combat. He greatly improved when we released trapped emotions from CHILDHOOD! It became evident that the emotional baggage of combat merely tipped the scales into overload from what was already present. Combat was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. What is giving R. emotional freedom today is releasing the painful trapped emotions of his childhood. R. learned that we don’t just grow out of childhood experiences and “get over them.” These trapped emotions stay until they are released. Emotion Code improves lives.