Mom Is Shocked at How Much Her Son Has Changed!
Less than 6 months ago, a mom was in a panic about her son’s health. Liver and lungs were so weak, he could not even receive a liver transplant–he wouldn’t survive the surgery. That all changed gradually over 3-4 months with lungs improving and liver transplant being cancelled because of his dramatic improvement. Large numbers of trapped emotions were released from the lungs and liver and most were from childhood. She is frightened to think of what could have been had she not tried Emotion Code. But there is more….
This young man’s Heart Wall has now been removed and she just told me today, “I’m going to have to get to know my son all over again! He has changed so much for the positive!! He is showing much more respect and caring.” Not only has his physical health improved but also his emotional health. Thank you, Dr. Nelson, for developing The Emotion Code!