Sadness and Shame Released from Heart Wall

M. has had a conflicted life. It has been filled with discontent and frustrations. When asked what she wants to have out of life, she couldn’t answer. Her life seemed to be a series of bouncing from one thing to another without success anywhere. She just knew that nothing made her happy and didn’t know why. Her childhood was very stressful, filled with divorces and a variety of men going in and out of the house daily, and she didn’t realize that her past has so much to do with her present situation.

Her Heart Wall was released over the past three sessions and she couldn’t believe how differently she felt. Nothing really changed in her life but she felt like she has a new start! What was in that Heart Wall? The majority of the trapped emotions, over 70%, were shame and depression. Depression is negative enough but shame is very damaging. Many think shame is feeling bad when you do something naughty. This is not the case, at all. Shame does so much damage because it means I AM BAD. I don’t deserve redemption or forgiveness. Shame often leads to “depression” and even suicide. It was truly a great day for M. who has a new start on her life at 42. Thank you, Emotion Code.