Going Off Asthma Medication
K.T. has battled asthma all her life. It greatly limited her activity. As a result, she has gained weight, over 100 pounds. This has led to depression, inability to cope in a stressful workplace, a divorce, loss of a job, more depression and more asthma issues. Her weak self-esteem took an even bigger hit because of this downward spiral. After 7 sessions of Emotion Code focusing mostly on her lungs, she is better. Depression was the dominant trapped emotion released and the predominant location was the lungs.
The sessions ceased and we reconnected this week after nearly a year. Over the past year since her lungs are significantly better, she has begun walking and lost 100 pounds. Her doctor is now taking her off steroids for her lung condition! Her depression is much, much less and she is now pursuing a career as an artist and is successfully selling her paintings. Her life has taken a 180 degree turn in 17 months. Another testament to the wonders of Emotion Code and Body Code.