A Couple Separates after 47 Years
After 47 years of marriage, a split in a marriage is occurring because things are now seen differently. For the past 30 years, the woman has been the major breadwinner with the male enjoying the benefits. While his wife does all the cooking, landscaping, house maintenance, and shoveling snow so she can go to work, he sleeps. She also provides health insurance as a benefit by her employer, buys all the furniture and appliances, while he watches wrestling.
She recently announced that she can not live like this any longer. He doesn’t know what she is unhappy about. After many sessions of Emotion Code and having her Heart Wall released, the vision of how this domestic situation should be has greatly changed. She now looks in horror as she reviews the past 40 years and her role in this dysfunctional situation. She’s decided this can not continue and requested things change. They did change. Her husband has slashed a tire on her car and stated other threats of violence. When that didn’t work, he filed for divorce hoping to get everything she has worked for.
After Emotion Code lifted the veil from her eyes, her marriage is now seen through different lenses. She sees things as they clearly are and it is unacceptable to her. She will not return. She has newly found peace.