Physically Abusive Marriage Takes It’s Toll

A 50 year old woman is going through a horrifying divorce because of physical abuse.  The divorce process has now gone on for four years with the abusive spouse deliberately delaying the process.  He has defied a “no contact order” three or four times, continues to make threats and wants nothing to do with the 8 year old daughter.  The only phone calls made are threats.

As one would expect, the woman in this relationship is living on egg shells and her stress level is off the charts.  After a trip to Urgent Care with level 9-10 pain and receiving an injection for pain control, nothing improved.  She was given two pain killers, nothing improved.   She has tried alternative treatment like acupuncture, essential oils, massage, and nothing improved.  She is crying from the sciatica pain.

Things are beginning to turn around with Emotion Code.  After two sessions, client states pain is decreasing. She also reports being calmer.  Less pain and calmer sound much better than a week ago. 

2-16-19 Update! Sciatica pain is gone! Lower back pain is gone and client is sleeping a little better.

5-21-19 Doing well.