Bullying Has Lifetime Effects
As a certified practitioner since September of 2017, I have noticed a pattern. As adults come to me for emotional healing, I can’t help but see that the underlying cause of many aches, pains, and illnesses seem to have origins from trapped emotions in the teenage years. Many don’t share what happened at those ages, but those that do often say it was bullying. And, they add that most of the time they did not tell their parents it was going on. Once these trapped emotions are released from the early years, my clients feel significantly better. However, with some people the list of trapped emotions during elementary and middle school years is sometimes almost endless. If someone were to ask me if bullying can cause illness in adults, I would have to say a resounding “yes.”
So, if you feel you were bullied in elementary school or middle school, you may feel much better if you get these trapped emotions released. Why hold on to hurts from the past? You will sleep better, be more content, and more able to focus on the future. It is time to take out the garbage. Email me for an appointment at the Contact link.