Antidepressant Withdrawal is Brutal

A middle aged man decided he wanted to go off an anti-depressant since he felt he was better.  He had been on this medication for a very long time but had many trapped emotions released targeting depression and anxiety last year.  Per doctor’s instructions, he gradually decreased his dose by 25% for two weeks, then another 25% for a few weeks.  After a month, be began violently vomiting every hour on the hour or less.  This went on for 3 days and on his way to the hospital, he asked for me to release trapped emotions.  I released 17 of them immediately.

He arrived at the hospital without needing to vomit in spite of it being over an hour.  Once in his room in ER, he again did not vomit.  A while later doctors diagnosed him with severe dehydration.  Still no vomiting.  They then placed him on an anti-nausea drip along with hydration fluids.  Still many hours later, he had not vomited.  He stayed overnight and was released the next afternoon fully hydrated and no more nausea.  2 days later he is still functioning quite well.

No one truly knows what role releasing the trapped emotions played in stopping the nausea.  I choose to believe that releasing the trapped emotions helped him.