Sadness Fading Quickly

I have known a very successful business woman for a very long time–probably over 30 years.  She always has a big smile on her face, very friendly and caring, beautiful hair, very well dressed in the latest fashion.  Okay, I’ll just say it–she is beautiful.  One would assume that she has had an easy and perfect life.  Apparently, this is not the case.  I was extremely surprised to learn that she was a target of domestic abuse and had depression her entire adult life.  She was fighting a battle every day to cope with her sadness.  Some people put on a very good act while hiding their internal pain.  The trapped emotions she had absorbed during her abused years were causing the depression.

After 4 sessions of The Emotion Code and releasing 39 trapped emotions, she let me know that she has felt a big difference.  Instead of fake smiles and laughter, she is genuinely smiling and laughing.  She is much happier and enjoying each moment with people and by herself instead of being down about life.  She has definitely noticed something is different and significantly for the better.   We will have a few more sessions because life could be even better for her.  If you have spent most of your life at a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 and now you are at a 7, you feel great.  Why not try for 10?

4-16-19 Feels much less stressed and refrains saying things she will regret. More focused. And, her Heart Wall is nearly down.

If you have situational depression, don’t hesitate to release your pain from the past through Emotion Code.  Go to Contact Me and we’ll visit about how Emotion Code may help you.  Practitioner Barb